A rare not-so-quiet minute or two in the scattered mind of a scrapper, a mother, a wifey, a photographer wannabe, a typist, a shopper, a spender, a day-dreamer, a wisher, a lazybum, a stand up newbie, a karaoke wannabe, a flea marketer, a tea cup collector, proudly tattooed, prettily pierced and definitely a scatterbrain!
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Finally finished a layout for me!!!
Friday, 27 July 2007
This is my minute....
- started with a call last Friday from the dr's I used to type for - yep, the ones who replaced me and hired someone in house. The in house lady is sick so can I please type the procedures? Nope, I can't I'm at the shop today.
- Saturday was the V8's - all day long! I only just got the call today to pick up my photos from Harvey as they're havin one of those cheap 6x4 promotions which means nobody gets their pics quickly.....grrrr
- Sunday was the flea market and then spent the afternoon doing boring stuff like grocery shopping and household shopping at Big W etc - waste of a lovely Sunday really (the shopping part that is!)
- Monday I taught a class and the dr's rang me again - still no typist and can I cover for her? Nope I'm at the shop again but teaching this time. I offer to go home that afternoon and do all the procedure reports to help them catch up - 6 hours it took!!!! So very late bedtime that night!
- Tuesday - the one day I have had in I can't remember how long where I was able to go to the shops during the day, during the week, without anybody at all but myself for company! Wanted a haircut and did some shopping for Doug's bd next month but get another phone call from dr's - typist STILL SICK!!! Can I please do the reports for the day, preferably like right now. Offer to get them done by close of business, realise I won't have time to get a haircut as the salon is really busy so I go home and type, pick up the kids, speak to the dr's again and they ask if I'll help catch up on the 120 consult letters so of course I say yes - why? - because I'm STUPID!!!! And really want the money! lol So I typed until midnight and got up again at 4am to work until 7am then get ready for work and go into the shop.
- Wednesday the magical mystery Klic & Kut is waiting for us to play with. I've picked it up really fast thank goodness (it has it's own software program to use it) and have really enjoyed all the stuff it can do. Started what I think will be a fab layout when I FINALLY get to finish it and then have to stay late at the shop to help someone with an OTP they are doing. Late dinner, more typing, bed at midnight. Finished the August timetable for Cyberscraps thank goodness as it was really weighing on me that it wasn't done - really changed things around and added new stuff so that's exciting.
- Still lots of typing as the dr's just keep adding more even though the typist came back on Thursday so I work all day from 6am to 1pm and then go get my haircut. I'm a real tightwad when it comes to hairdressers so I spent $30 for the style cut and the special promotion was $1 foils so I got a dozen violet/black ones put through. I can't tell you how happy I am with it!!! I have just tried to take a pic but my card in my camera is full and my card reader in the front of my computer doesn't appear to be working so I can't empty it!!!! More grrrrr! So I will try to get a pic tomorrow to share. It's kind of a longish shaggy rock chick sort of look and by cutting off an inch of the old red colour and putting through the black it looks like I've purposely had the whole lot done so I'm more than a little pleased. Plus you can't see any of the few greys that have started to show up. No Cass, you cannot pull them all out for me!!!! Ouchy!!! Then more typing again last night but now I've got the flu and feel like total crap so I went to bed early.
- Hip hooray it's Friday! I got up at 5.30am, typed until 7am, got ready for work, dropped the kids at school, sent Caeligh to Gran's for the day but Jamie went with her cos he's got an abscess under a back tooth and looks like he's done three rounds with Mike Tyson! He went to the dr yesterday and got antibiotics but it still looks as though someone's punched him in the jaw. Thanks have to go to the man upstairs cos Jamie's not in a bit of pain. I've had a tooth abscess and I know any of you that have will know how exquisitely painful they actually are but he's perfectly happy! I don't get that but I'm not arguing!!! So I went over to Cass's and drive in to work with her. We spent the day playing with the Klic & Kut, helping crop day ladies, helping customers and not getting any of our own stuff done. Oh the sacrifices we make!!! lol We also got to see all the new CHA Creative Imaginations products in a catalogue and had fun picking out what we wanted with Cath. She's very understanding of our whims and wants and is very generous with what things she'll stock if we like them. All the new Marah Johnson stuff - the Rock Star is out of this world, plus a lot of new beautiful stuff! So then Cass and I headed home to wait for the children to walk back from school. I took my lot straight home. I got an email while at the shop to say the dr's would like me to continue to help catching up on consult letters over the weekend and that's all fine and good but the second I walked in the door I put down my bags and grabbed a frosty Coke Zero with a shot of Jack Daniels in it!!! I don't care if that makes me sound like a semi-alcoholic either......I was in desperate need of a little bit of time to relax and do nothing! So I've decided that even though I have a commission album that needs to be finished by Monday, even though I have housework coming out my ears, even though I have typing that needs to be done and the money is really good - I'm not doing any of it, not tonight, no way. I'll use the sick excuse if needs be but I want a night to do absolutely nothing if I so choose so that's all I've done so far, surfed the net and visited people's blogs! I might have to go into Cyberscraps tomorrow if we're really busy but until then I'm not on call for anyone or anything. I've even employed the 12 yo to make his fabulous fried rice again tonight because I don't want to cook either! Lucky he likes to get friendly with a saucepan! lol
So there you have it - my heller busy week! If it weren't for the fact that I've got the flu and now I've got an earache to go with it, I wouldn't actually be that stressed out. Lord knows we mothers live like this for days, weeks or months at a stretch, feeling like we never catch a break. It's not like I could check out of life and rest up in bed for a few days either because there's just too much to do and I'm the one who has to do it. So if you're like me, having one of those weeks, then give yourself permission to take a breather, even if it's only for an hour in a hot bath, with a tasty beverage or a walk - whatever resets your brain. I'm thoroughly enjoying my tasty beverage, I plan shortly to go have that hot bath, and maybe I'll get to the gym over the weekend (not hopeful here but if I commit the idea to screen then I might have a better chance of doing it!).
If you're in need of some scrapping inspiration then check out Aussie Dares' new challenge for the fortnight, or visit All About Eve and scrap your escape, not to mention One Little Word is challenging us with "automatically". I can't wait to do these but again, they are something that will have to take a number and wait. Scrapping for me is pretty low in the list of stuff I have to do right now. It's actually very soul satisfying when I get to do my own stuff these days and I savour every second of planning and putting together my own stuff.
I'll do a quick shout out to Jilly who has rocked the scrap world with ANOTHER COVER!!! The latest FK has her name all over the front cover and what a fab layout it is! Congrats to you girl and don't be any less than totally thrilled for yourself - you deserve it!!!! Hello to the beautiful Lusi who gave me a ring last week and I didn't get a chance to call back until last night. Lusi you are always so rock solid to talk to and a real compass point for me - I always feel so calm after chatting, even if it's about nothing or everything so thank you so much for being a great listener. Can't wait to meet you and give you a huge hug girl!!!! Hi to Kelley Forrester who was a real comrade in the countdown to getting Masters done the other week - fingers crossed for you! Hi to Kat who came into the shop yesterday and I missed you! I hope you're loving all your gorgeous new product - don't forget to blog share!!!
SHAMELESS PLUG AGAIN FOR THE CYBERSCRAPS SALE!!! This starts tomorrow online and at the shop with a massive 30% off everything in the store except our already ridiculously cheap Bazzill (which we just restocked and even got some gorgeous new colours in just yesterday!). We still have a few of the D ring binder albums and they'll be 30% off too if you want or need one but be quick! We still have some of the Marah Johnson stuff left if that's your cup of tea, plus lots of SEI, Cherry Arte, Basic Grey, Urban Lily, Sassafras Lass, My Mind's Eye and about a gazillion things more!!! We stock lots of pretties, some unusual stuff and our customers tell us we have a fantastic range and a real Aladdin's Cave of goodies in our store. Come on in and have a look around - I'm sure you're going to find something you love and it's even lovelier at 30% off. If we're busy I'll be in the shop tomorrow as well and we'd love to see you!
Okay that's the plug over with! lol The little ones have just arrived home with Doug so I had best to see if Blayd needs help with dinner. Thank you so much to those of you who've visited and said hi or even just had a peek on your way through the blogsphere. It's nice to know we're not alone! Have a wonderful weekend and give yourself that breather if you need it - I order you!!!!! I'll post a layout as soon as I have one to show! Take care babes!!! Love, Lu
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
GIMPshop fun and games!
I keep meaning to do this more regularly but I sometimes remember stuff I am thankful for and it's a good habit to get into, recognising that my life is overflowing with good stuff and the day to day crap is just that, gone in a day most of the time! So today I'm thankful for:
(1) More work coming in, even if it's a bit crazy right now while things get sorted out
(2) Cheap and cheerful scrap supplies I picked up today - big buttons, felt, shiny ric-rac
(3) Doug for making a lovely dinner for me while I work into the wee hours
(4) Getting Doug's tax return back so we have a little bit of a buffer for how ever long that lasts!
(5) Finding a new pair of sunnies as my favourite ones were getting really scratched up - and even better - finding them at Best & Less for $1!!!!! That's right!!! Just one buck!!! They were reduced as old stock from last summer before this summer's stuff arrives and they are almost exactly like the ones I have and love now so what a bargain for me!
(6) Finding out that my camera really only needs a good going over with compressed air as there's some grit trapped in the lens mechanism after the dust and dirt of the V8's on Saturday and that's why it stopped working - and I'm doubly thankful that I still have two months to go on my rental agreement if it turns out to have any problems after we clean it
(7) Accepting myself for who I really am and not taking myself so seriously that I can't use the fun/weird/wacky/odd pictures I have of myself on my layouts - I'm sure it's those strange photos that my kids will look back on one day and say "Yep that was Mum - fun/weird/wacky/ odd!!!!" and have a good laugh about them.
Okay I'm going now because time is money and I'm wasting both sitting here yakking instead of "proper" work typing. Have a wonderful Wednesday (if you can that is!) and hopefully I'll be able to show you some Klic & Kut magic on a layout by this time tomorrow.
Thank you for visiting my little corner of the blogsphere - I know I owe some of you a visit (Sue, Alana, Lusi, Ali, Jasmine, the list goes on!!!!) and I promise I'm going to get there this week!
Much love and blown out highlights, Lu
One Little Word challenge
Sunday, 22 July 2007
RAK Winner!
I'll go through my pics later and find some okay ones to post and chat again later. For now it's baths and dinners for small children and roast vegetable and chicken wraps for Dougie and I. Back later!!!! Love, Lu
Friday, 20 July 2007
Happy mojo, race cars, rag curls and freaking cold
Tomorrow Doug and I are going out to Queensland Raceway to see the V8's racing. It's apparently out past Amberley which is the equivalent of the Artic Circle so I'm glad I bought a new jumper today. Maybe I can wear it under my hoodie and a blanket and a doona and a sleeping bag......... I've been told I migh need earplugs but in my book that defeats the purpose of going to something like that. We went to Indy last year and I refused the earplugs then too. Those kind of events are meant to be real sensory overload - sight of all the cars speeding past, the smell of octane fuel and the roaring sounds of engines. Because it's not something I do every weekend I am trying to "embrace the experience" so to speak!!! Good thing blogging doesn't require good hearing.........
I sat on the couch last night and Caeligh put her little head on my lap and went to sleep and while I was playing with her hair I suddenly remembered how my mother used to let me put my head on her lap and she would use strips of old bed sheeting to put my hair in rag curls. I have no idea why the memory came to me but the urge to go rip up an old sheet was so overwhelming that I got the boys to grab me one from the linen cupboard that was close to rag anyway and proceeded to do Caeligh's hair. I couldn't get all of the back because she was sleeping but when she got up this morning she was absolutely stoked with her head full of raggy strips!!! I tried to explain that if she would only let me take those out then her hair would be pretty and curly but she liked it all knotted up instead - took me an hour to convince her to let me take them out. I did eventually get them all out and if her hair had been wet when I'd done it it would have taken really really well. As it was she ended up with soft curls that kind of puffed up a bit so we had to get her a stretchy headband to keep the semi-afro out of her face! She was very pleased with herself but because everyone was rushing out the door this morning I didn't get a chance for a pic :( Maybe next time.....
I've just come home from the shop at 11pm tonight and holy cow is it cold!!! Not just cool or even plain ordinary cold but SUPER-MEGA-FREAKIN' COLD!!!! I bought Caeligh this cool striped peruvian winter hat this morning, the kind with the braids hanging off the ear warmer parts, but I was so cold I ended up wearing it!!! Very Heidi indeed!!! We listened to Triple M doing their Cold 30 countdown tonight from 1985 and man was there some rocking music happening!!!! Mega songs like Take On Me, Summer of 69, Working Class Man (which I can't ever now disassociate with the national anthem since Adam Hills did that Comedy Festival routine - google his name and Advance Australia Fair if you want to find it and I promise you will never be able to erase it from your memory again, or sing the national anthem without wishing it was Jimmy Barnes!!!!), Walking On Sunshine, all that stuff. We walked a few shops down to the takeaway and had REAL hamburgers with the lot and they were cheap as too! We scrapped, we laughed, danced around the shop and drank hot Milo sucked through Tim Tams and basically had a fun night. If we'd had a couple of mattresses it wqould have been just like a sleep over!!! lol No I don't think Cass and I will ever grow up either.........
OOOOH OOOH OOOOH!!!!!! SUPER COOL SHOP NEWS - we're getting a Klic & Kut!!!!! Now I haven't used one before nor have I used a Cricut or a Robocutter but apparently this thing is the Rolls Royce of cutting machines and will cut out any font you can have on your computer plus things like scrollwork and embellishment stuff as well. It cuts from paper, cardstock and - wait for it - chipboard sheets!!!! It will be available at the shop for customers to use when they come in for crop days on Fridays and for the crops every second Friday night so if you've always wanted to have a play with one of these babies - and you live within a scrapably justifiable distance - then keep an eye on the bloggie here and I'll let you know when it arrives. We're hoping Monday so that we can get in lots of playtime and know the ins and outs of it by our next crop on Friday next week. I won't kiss goodbye my craft knife just yet (that'd be ouchy anyway) but I'm hoping to seriously cut down on the amount of cuts and blisters I sustain from trying to hand cut detailed titles for my layouts. How cool to press a button and have a little machine do it all for me!!! I am getting all hot and bothered just imagining the possibilities.....lol
I had my All About Eve layout picked up by SM today which is great cos I thought it would be too detailed, too grungy, too "me" basically but like they say all the time, you never know what the mags want! It's the closest layout to my usual style that I've ever had accepted so you'll get a look at the "real me"!!!! (run away now........) I still get excited about every single acceptance so in my mind that tells me that I'm still enjoying the submitting process and not sick of it yet or allowing it to "take over" my scrapping, and that I'm not getting totally up myself by thinking that I DESERVE to have my work accepted. I worry about that, you know - I'd like to think I'm pretty down to earth and I don't carry on with bull s&*t and I do read the occasional (very occasional mind you and totally no finger pointing going on here) blog or forum where people just foam with condescending praise for others that's just a precursor to being able to talk about themselves. For you guys who know me, if you ever EVER hear me starting to become even slightly up oneself, can you please firmly tell me to stop being on myself?????? Excellent!!!!
I'm off now to get ready for bed in the flannie jammies and maybe put an extra blanket on the babies. I'm super paranoid about heaters so we don't use them except for either right next to my desk if I have to work, or in the loungeroom of an evening sometimes and so it's extra layers all the way at our place.
I know I keep saying it but do whatevert you have to in order to keep warm. It may even mean sharing body heat!!!!! Lucky for me Doug is like a furnace but even he's starting to feel the cold. It's the mark of a truly cold winter when the man from Scotland says he's cold!!!! lol
Rug up you gorgeous girls and have a great weekend. I'll post some piccies of the races when I get back tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of you who has stopped by this week and to those who were able to leave a comment I'll be sure to draw the RAK on Sunday. I get the warm fuzzies when people do say hi and I'm really trying to return the favour lately and share the comment love around! Love and warm uggies, Lu
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Layout share
All About Eve Challenge Blog - Scrap Your Age

Thanks so much to the All About Eve challenge blog that gave me the inspiration to do the layout in the first place!!!!
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Cyberscraps August classes and a blooming challenge blog addiction!!!
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Sooooooo cold!!!!
I caught up on all my typing today but not a bit of scrapping at all :( I'm back in the shop tomorrow thank goodness so I can catch up when I get in tomorrow. What I have found is that if I am forced not to scrap, for whatever reason but usually because of work commitments, that I come up with so many ideas. Maybe that's the thing - the imagination is trying to run away but knows the rest of me is chained to my computer for work!!! So I now have a whole pile of layout ideas rattling around in my head and you just know that my first day back in the shop we'll probably be really busy - great for the shop and not so good for my scrapping!!! lol And I bet I won't get much done at all but fingers crossed for me girls!!!!!
I've also got to load some layouts into my new D-ring binder album that we got into the shop last week. They are fantastic, fit so many layouts in them and are much better for storing your thick, lumpy bumpy or heaviliy embellished layouts than the normal albums cos they don't get squashed into a flat album. They're also a bargain at less than $20 and we got new colours in this week in addition to the black, pink and blue we already have including a hot, hot pink and red which I'm going to grab one each of tomorrow when I get in.
If you're interested in picking up a bargain we're having our Cyberscraps sale from 28 July so not long to go now. The whole store (except for Bazzill cos at 70 cents a sheet we're rock bottom cheap all day every day) is 30% off - Basic Grey, Hambly rub-ons, bling, off the page stuff, albums EVERYTHING!!!!! CHA is on and we want to spend up big, buy lots of beautiful new stuff for you guys so we need to make some room! Anyone who has been to the shop knows that we've managed to cram an awful lot into our store but it also means that if we want to have the latest and greatest then we need to sell some stuff to make some more room!!!! A warning though that you need to be really quick as it's a first come, first served basis and it will only apply while stocks last so you can't put a raincheck on anything. Once it's sold out then that's it!
So mark that one in your diaries girls and come see us for a great bargain. Those of you who have shopped with us before know we've got amazing prices so imagine how much extra bang you'll get for your buck at 30% off storewide?!?!?! I have my eye on some stuff for sure so like I said, be quick if you want the best stuff!
Okay I'm off to rescue the sausages from cremation and get dinner on the table for the tribe. Have a great Sunday evening ladies and thank you for those who've left comments so far for the RAK. You've got until next Sunday afternoon to post and then I'll draw the Basic Grey Infuse RAK.
Take care and keep warm!!! Love, Lu
Saturday, 14 July 2007
For anyone who leaves me a comment this week I'll be putting names into the draw to win the entire Basic Grey Infuse paper range plus a sheet of the FABULOUS die cut shapes and a set of the FUNKY new font alpha stickers! Now who doesn't want the entire range of that lovely stuff??!?!?
I've used them already (layouts a few posts back) and Cass has gone wild with them too so they are a firm favourite of ours even though they only just hit the paper racks! The fab part about it is that all the Basic Grey ranges co-ordinate with other stuff and the plain colours will mix and match with anything at all. Now that's versatility for you!
If you're a die hard Basic Grey fan then don't forget to have a look at their online gallery at www.basicgrey.com and take a few minutes to submit some layouts. Your name will then feature on the list of their designers if they select your layouts or off the page projects to display in their gallery and your name will be right up there among some of the best scrappers all over the world! That is v.cool!!!
Okay well I'm off to bed now as it's too damned cold to do anything else!!!! lol
See you all tomorrow, love Lu
Friday, 13 July 2007
I've been pubbed in the Rouge de Garance blog!!!

SM for this month - Vol 9 No 2

Wanna hear something funny?
So after that high drama settled down (and the MIL moved her car into the driveway!!! lol) I raced out the door with my Masters entry in hand, not even taking time to throw shoes on and made the mercy dash to the post office. Also in such a hurry that I'm not looking at where I'm walking in bare feet and I've stood on a bit of broken beer bottle on the footpath!!! Much cussing and limping later I made it and posted my entry. The amusing aspect of this slightly painful incident means that I can now officially say I've walked over broken glass to get my entry in on time!!!!! lol
Have a fab Friday girls, talk again soon, love Lu (with a bandaid.....)
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Finished AND Posted!!!
The finish line is in sight!

Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Soooooooo who wants to pull an all nighter with me???? lol Unfortunately, as today is the last full day I have to complete it, I will be up until the wee small hours methinks, frazzled and coffee overloaded, with photo tabs stuck to my jammies, face smeared in ink and Pritt with what looks like the remains of a tornado in a scrap shop strewn all around me.........
If you're around this afternoon or tonight do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a minute to say hello as I'm going to let my blog keep me company, warmly glowing from my computer screen with hopefully some love and reassurance that it's okay, it's totally worth going competely nucking futs over!!!! I may not be able to respond immediatley to people's comments given that my fingers will be worn down to bloodied stumps from hours of scrapping but I promise I'll regularly check to see if anyone has stopped in!!!
It's such a shame that what I really need right now - like a valium and a strong bourbon and Coke and a nap - won't actually help me achieve anything..............
Does anyone have any good tips on how to be completely focused and artistically brilliant whilst being distracted, frazzled, time pressured, panicky and stressed? Anyone? Gee it's quiet in here.......... :)
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
July Get Real Challenge
This month I challenge you all to scrap your quirks!!!! Now it can be just one thing or if you are super-mega-quirky then I challenge you to scrap them all!!! If that's the case think lists, think dot points, think little journalling blocks, thing about journalling around your photo, think of using ledger paper or graph paper even.
You don't even have to include a pic of yourself if you don't want to but if it's a quirk you can capture on film then we'd love to see it - provided it's not going to offend anyone!!! If you have quirk for flipping the bird at people when you're stressed then we probably suggest you use a picture of a canary instead!!! lol
There is an album in the gallery on Cyberscraps to upload your quirky layout (or more than one layout if you're feeling particularly keen) into and this month I'm going to choose a winner from all the layouts posted in the July Get Real Challenge album to receive a mystery prize!
So get scrapping all you quirky thangs out there!!!
Cold enough for ya!!!

I'm happy to say I've finished my storage solution for the Masters comp. I'd like to look at it and think "wow" but I'm actually more concerned that people will look at it and wonder how the hell I could have made something brand new look so old and crap!!!! lol Either way, still satisfied that it's just bloody done. I don't have time for anything else at this point and second thoughts just have to get left behind as I still have to finish the mini album and the last little part of the double. Now that I figure I have nothing left to lose, it's very liberating and I'm getting through the stuff fairly quickly. Today though there will have to be eight hours of solid typing and then I'll get to look at the mini album tonight and hopefully finish it. Luckily Cath from the shop gave me a pile of new Petaloo stuff that came in that will be just perfect so I'll have to dig through my bags and get them all out. I like to spread piles of embellies out in front of me until I find what I want to use, kind of like a scrappy smorgasboard!!!! lol
Before I get started with work I'll do some quick hellos to people I owe them to - a big helllooooooo to Jilly - I totally appreciate your support and all your help. I promise I'll email you today with some pics so you can see what I ended up doing. Lusi, lovely to hear from you babe and I'm sorry I haven't called yet. Hopefully by the end of the week life will have calmed down but I did pick up something cute for you on the weekend and I'll have to remember to put it in the post with the brads I need to send you.
Oh, congratulations to people who have kids going back to school today - I know that sounds awful but I've had one of those weeks last week and none of the kids managed to survive even an hour without trying to commit murder or at least assault!! It doesn't matter what kind of entertainment I provide, the end result is still the same so at least at school I know they'll all be separated and out of each other's reach.
Lachlann went to the hospital for an assessment by the Child and Youth Mental Health Clinic yesterday. I wanted him to be thoroughly checked because his ADHD meds don't seem to be as effective as they used to be and he's becoming increasingly short-tempered and irritable. It turns out that the very lovely doctor who saw him, after listening to his history, thought he may actually have a sleep disorder which he's probably had since he was little and which is causing identical symptoms to ADHD. She wants to have a monitor put on him for a week to watch his sleep patterns over a week to see what's going on. She did however say we shouldn't worry too much, the med he's on for ADHD is exactly what's used to treat the type of sleep disorder she thinks he has. Apparently if he's constantly tired and exhausted he will be cranky, have trouble concentrating, feel fatigued all the time, be bad tempered and have trouble in general coping with life. All his ADHD med is doing is waking him up enough to function each day. She even warmed that it can turn into narcolepsy as he gets older!!! I'm very grateful that we've gotten a doctor who is willing to do something other than write out a prescription, as a more wholistic approach was what we were looking for, someone who would consider all sorts of possibilities and treatments instead of just a pill. So thank God for directing us to her and hopefully things will improve for Lachlann from here - like any mum, I hate to watch him struggle and seem so unhappy.
Okay well it's time for me to get started today and I'll just get out my handcuffs and chain myself to my keyboard. Hey at least I can still check my email and go chatting on the Cyberscraps forum. It's all still technically typing!!!!
Have a fab Tuesday and a safe back to school for those have kids going back today. Take care and rug up girls, Love Lu
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Hambly RAK Winner!!!!
The winner of the Hambly rub-ons is MAZ!!!!!! Yay for you babe!!!! I've left my camera at Cass's place this afternoon after a party so I can't take a pic of the winner's name on a bit of paper but MAZ is indeed the winner so if you know her please let her know.
MAZ if you want to shoot over to Cyberscraps and have a look at the rub-ons, choose two you like and then have a look at the Kaiser bling and choose four of those colours too, then email me your choices and your addy I can have those lovelies to you ASAP!
Again, thanks to everyone who has shared their thoughts with me this week. It's nice to know there are so many people around who are happy to take a moment to have a read of what I'm up to and I'm really touched that so many of you do come by to look, even if you don't comment, the counter keeps going up so I know you've been to visit.
I have a week of full time typing work at home this week - I'm already missing the shop and a whole week away will be awful for me - but I hope some of you will still swing by to say Hi cos I'll be here at my desk all on my lonesome for the whole week! I'll be typing my heart out while dreaming of layouts!! lol
Thanks agian to everyone who came by and congrats to Maz who wins the RAK this week. Now that our Basic Grey Infuse has arrived at Cyberscraps safe and sound I'll be doing another RAK this week for some of that wonderful stuff so stay tuned.
Much love, Lu
Basic Grey Infuse - yummmmmmmmmm!
Thursday, 5 July 2007
Masters mania!!!!
Just quickly before I start to open the floodgates, this is a better look at the layout I submitted to Scrapbooking Memories to go with my Real Stories, Real People article in this month's issue. I still love it just as much as when I did it, maybe more!
Okay, I've got the double about 4/5 done and it's turned into a complete monstrosity of a thing!!!! Barely recognisable as a double layout anymore I'm afraid....... I've completed the single layout except for a couple of alpha stickers that have to go on (I bought one set, didn't realise I'd use them for my Masters stuff and when I did I quickly noticed that I wouldn't have enough but I liked them enough to go and buy more today to finish it) and while I'm not completely thrilled with it, I am completely over it so que sera sera as the song goes!!!! lol It's far too late in the proceedings now to be worrying that I don't love the layout - Cass really loves it so that's good enough of an opinion for me!!
The mini album idea I had was a little too far removed from an actual mini album and Cass and I got to thinking that maybe I'd end up ruling myself out of contention because my idea was SOOO far away from what a mainstream mini album would look like. Of course, that is typically me, go bigger, better, crazier but I'd hate to shoot myself in the foot so to speak so I toned it donw somewhat, keeping with the original framework and colours I had wanted but just restyling what I'm doing. That will hopefully be finished tomorrow at the shop provided we're not too busy. Not that I'm discouraging any of you fab girls who'd like to come by and visit - I just will have to leave you in the very capable hands of Cass while I slave over my stuff!
The whole storage solution thing gave me no inspiration AT ALL!!!! Boring, boring, boring........ I do KNOW I could just embellish a pre-made/purchased storage item but where's the ingenuity or imagination in that? This is Masters for goodness sake, I'd certainly like to think I can come up with something better than a set of plastic drawers from Crazy Clarks. I do have an idea that I've come up with but again, it's bigger and messier and more time consuming that I think I'm able to do. There are days I wish I was as dyslexic as Cass and I had done all this a month ago rather than trying to cram the whole process into a week and a half! SO while I have this idea, I think I'm biting off more than I can chew so mayhap things will get toned down over the weekend so I can have some hope of completing everything and posting by Thursday so it will all be in on time.
Apparently SM haven't even opened any of the Masters entries they've already received......they are all sitting in a room, piling up and they won't get opened until after the closing date. If they're being honest then they must be busting with excitement - it's kind of like trying not to peek at your Christmas pressies isn't it? I've heard that they shortlist 100 entries and the more I think about that the more confused I get. I mean, 100 sounds like A LOT of entries and then again, given how many of us love this art, it is a drop in the ocean of the number of people who've entered. I'm not worried about whether I'd be chosen as one of the Masters or not - how on earth do I phrase this stuff without sounding like I think I'm so good that I'll totally get chosen????? - but I think I'd probably prefer Honourable Mentions instead. I mean, I don't even know if I'd be able to do the stuff that the Masters are expected to do throughout the year. I barely have any time to do the stuff I do now for the shop and commission stuff and do I love it all enough to do as much as would be needed? I don't know if can answer that one. Maybe if I can just have the title but not have to do any follow up work? lol that would suit me much better!!!! I think the whole Masters thing is best left to the talented girls who have the time on their hands to really commit to it. So why am I doing it at all you ask? I think it's a personal challenge thing, can I do it in time? Can I create something "spectacular" enough? Can I be good enough to be shortlisted? Good enough to get an HM? I guess it's just to see what I could accomplish if I try, that's about it really!!!! lol And the funny thing is, I've turned to techniques and products that I normally wouldn't even bother with, or that I don't even actually like but which work for the projects I'm doing!!! Masters does something weird to your scrap psyche - little voices that start saying "Yesssssssss, use the eyeletssssssssss!!!", and "Oh no, you don't need to pen outline those aphas - leave them au naturel!!!". It's an unexplainable phenomena but if anyone else has had the same thing happen to them I'd love to hear about it!!!! I despise eyelets, I could never, ever get them to set right and I just can't be bothered with them 100% of the time but what do you think I've gone nuts with for my double and for my mini album???? FREAKIN' EYELETS!!!!!! Somebody please just shoot me now and be done with it...........
Oh hey by the way, tomorrow night is crop night at the shop if you want to come play with us!!! It's a fun girls' night with tunes, pizza, hot milo and everyone wears their slippers and uggies!!!! In fact, the uggies have almost become pre-requsite attire if you want to come crop with us! Hell I even had a blanket last time cos I was cold! I can't scrap when I'm cold and that's just not an option when I'm sitting in the shop watching everyone else get stuck into their layouts. We get started at 6pm and are open all through until midnight and you even get a 10% on any shopping you do in the store while you are attending the crop night - how good is that? It means more goodies for you and a fun night out with Cass and I for entertainment - oh maybe I shouldn't say that!!! Not everyone thinks us two cracking jokes, poking fun at each other and cackling like a pair of crazy women is entertainment!!! lol BUT Cass has just recoloured her hair a fantastic shade of magenta and THAT my lady friends is VERY entertaining!!!
Well I'm off to bed now cos it will be a late one tomorrow night. Because the crop is on I won't be closing the store at all so we're going to be open from 9.30am tomorrow morning until midnight tomorrow night so if you're desperate for supplies or for some playtime be sure to come by the store and have a nice cup of something warm with us!
Thanks to everyone who has commented so far this week. It's nice to see familiar faces and new ones too!!! I've even updated my blog links list on the sidebar to reflect some of you very lovely people who come and visit me so if you're looking for somewhere to blog surf, check out the talent!
Have a great weekend if I don't get back to blog before then. Cass and I are off on a secret mission on Saturday but for once I totally cannot blab. I will leave that for Cass when and if she decides to share with the blogsphere.
By the way, if the ramblings about Masters sounds like a broken record, it quite probably is! I tend to let my mind just go for it's own wander and I could have voiced my thoughts on the whole Masters thing before and not remembered. Apologies if you've heard this all before!
Gratitude this week for:
(1) School hols being almost over - love my kids but don't love having to shove them from pillar to post on the hols, trying to organise babysitting etc
(2) Doug for cooking me the most delicious dinner last night cos I was late getting home from the shop
(3) The week of typing work next week - I hate that money is such a needed thing
(4) Easier acceptance of who I am and what I want to do, and for my ever increasing levels of "I don't give a flying rat's ass what people think of me" attitude
(5) No more smashed lightbulbs this week - but the weekend is two whole days at home for Caeligh to do her worst so who knows.........
(6) The old patchwork quilt I bought at a flea market for $5 which is now what keeps me warm on the couch most evenings while watching the telly
(7) Having enough money to buy Cass's son Kris a medical book for his birthday because any kid who wants to learn as badly as he does deserves the tools so that he can
(8) For online friends - even if I don't blogsurf, chat or ring regularly I know that's okay and that we'll just pick up where we left off next time we catch up - I'm so grateful for total acceptance from you wonderful mates I've met through scrapping - I'd love to have a big party one day and invite all of you to have us all in one place together - what a bash that would be!!!!
Thanks for tuning in, love Lu