A rare not-so-quiet minute or two in the scattered mind of a scrapper, a mother, a wifey, a photographer wannabe, a typist, a shopper, a spender, a day-dreamer, a wisher, a lazybum, a stand up newbie, a karaoke wannabe, a flea marketer, a tea cup collector, proudly tattooed, prettily pierced and definitely a scatterbrain!
Saturday, 30 June 2007
A new definition of what's fun!
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Happy to be here!
Monday, 25 June 2007
Why do I do it to myself???
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Rock On Marah!!!!
Go have a look here and get ready to rock!!!!
Thursday, 21 June 2007
One Enchanted Evening
I had a quiet day today, a housing inspection as we need new guttering on the house which will be done some time in the next millenia I'm sure, and Caeligh spent the day messing up behind me as I tidied the house. I borrowed - or should I say leeched? - Cass's heating this afternoon as I'm really feeling the cold this year as it's come so suddenly. We're still waiting for Stanthorpe to have snow so we can go for a day trip - with the temperatures we've been having this week I'm hoping it will happen this winter for sure!
I have a busy weekend this week. We have a crop tomorrow at the shop so if you're at a loose end and have nothing on then come and have a natter and a scrap and a cuppa with us at the shop at Salisbury, or if you are finding it hard to get out during the day, tomorrow night (Friday night) we have a 6pm to midnight crop with pizza included!!!! Give us a ring at the shop tomorrow on 07 3274 5522 and I'll put a comfy chair aside for you to come and hang out and scrap with Cass and I!!!! BYO drinkies if you don't have to drive!!!!
Saturday I've got some places left in my Altered Alphas class if you'd like to do some risky and adventurous things with alpha stickers and Sunday we have two kids classes scheduled plus a whole heap of kids classes scheduled for every day of the school holidays - that's right - the whole two weeks we have something every single day! Gotta keep the munchkins happy or our sanity does suffer!!!!
Caeligh is going to her gran's tomorrow so that's one less to worry about. The bigger boys are going to their dad's for a few days and Jamie will have school and then we'll do something special with him over the weekened and the first week of the hols while Doug is at home. I like to do at least one big event each hols, but by that I mean going to the park or the movies. Big events aren't quite as big as they used to be in my house! Especially with all four of them which really bumps up the cost of just about anything we want to do.
Must go to bed now. I've got to get the kids up early for breakfast club at school and free dress day which means I have to be up before them to help with any wardrobe malfunctions the boys may have - of which there always seem to be plenty!!!! Luckily they are mostly the unironed kind!!!
Night babes!!!!! Love, Lu
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Taking Care Of Business Kind Of Day!!

Marah Johnson Chat Tomorrow Night!!!!!
For full details on how to register for our online chat room for tomorrow nite see here.
I'm very excited to chat with Marah again. She was so honest and lovely to speak to last time, and hopefully she will share some details of her newest range which is released at CHA next month. This one has been kept well under wraps and I'm busting to know even a few hints about what to expect. I know it will be as exciting as all of Marah's releases!
If you have any problems with the chat room you an email us through the Cyberscraps website or email me at my address on the top of my blog.
The important details are: 8pm, Thursday 21 June 2007 in the live chatroom at Cyberscraps (www.cyberscraps.com.au).
We'd love to see you there and join our chat with Marah. She's very lovely to chat to and is quite happy to answer questions and ponder life in general with us.
Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night!!!! Cya, Lu
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Layout share
Sunday, 17 June 2007
OTP stuff
Friday, 15 June 2007
Birthday wishes
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Tagged! (Oh and yay we've won the Origin!!!!!!)
Name three things that scare you. Being outside alone in the dark, feeling like I'm falling, my kids disappearing in a public place.
The daggiest thing in your music collection. My old Phil Collins CDs and I still love them!
Your three favourite clothing items. My jeans, my headbands, my red ballet flats.
Your partners most annoying habit. Half-listening to me while watching TV or doing stuff on his computer. I always know when I've lost his attention and start referring to chopping my head off and throwing it in a pot of steaming vegetable soup and would he like some? Answer "Sure babe if your making some......"!!!!!! Earth to Dougie, Earth to Dougie!!!!!
What stresses you out- Money, my kids.
If I could change the world I would.......instill compassion in everyone, which in a perfect world would lead to the resolution of many of our problems as a planet.
Your favourite household chore… Probably vacuuming, because I've got timber floors I can see every bit of dirt, grit, etc and it makes me feel I've accomplished something when the floors are clean.
If you had fifty bucks to spend at Target which section would you head straight for...the clearance racks and the red ticketed reduced stuff so I could squeeze as much as humanly possible out of that $50!!!!!!!
In my next life I would like to come back as …a cat - so much to eat, so little to do, so few worries!
Who is your least favourite celebrity… Paris Hilton (I'm very unoriginal about this one as I'm so OVER HER!!!!)
Okey Dokey now I'm going to tag - um - I don't know right now!!!! lol Give me time to think about this one cos I'm sure that some of you who would be my would be targets are sick to frickin death of being tagged!!!!! lol I'll get back to you on this one!
Later, babes
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Monday, 11 June 2007
Sunday Photo Shoot and a Coupla Layouts

Sunday, 10 June 2007
Scrapbook Convention and a weather whinge
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Oh and today I have to go get my drivers' licence renewed (yuk). I have to drag all four kids to the Department of Transport which is like some sick kind of torture but it has to get done and I can't imagine when else I'll have a chance - oh wait!!!! I just remembered that I'll only have Jamie tomorrow afternoon after school as the big boys are going to their dad's place and Caeligh will be with Gran. OKAY COMPLETE CHANGE OF PLANS!!!! Going to the Transport thing tomorrow - that feels much better already!!!
Cass and I are about to sit down to a nice Lean Cuisine for lunch, not that they are as nice as my favourite was the Thai Red Chicken Curry which they've discontinued :( so we're having Tandoori Chicken instead and then some nice choccie afterwards. I can't guarantee I'll get anything else done today either but oh well, sometimes you just have to give yourself permission to not give a toss sometimes! I hereby give myself permission to not give a toss - just for this afternoon - and I will require myself to give a toss tomorrow!
Okay I'm off to have lunch. Later babes! Love, Lu
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Raindrops on roses and whiskes on kittens yadda yadda yadda.....
Monday, 4 June 2007
Fun Monday!

A couple of people have asked about online classes for Cyberscraps for those who don't live nearby. We can absolutely do online classes as we have a live chat room 24 a day at our disposal. If you are interested in doing the Tag Album in my last post then be sure to drop me a comment and let me know if you want to do it via our online chatroom regardless of where you live and we can work something out in the way of a class kit in the mail and organising a time. The albums are really simple and once you've done one you'll be able to do them on any theme or event and they are such a quick, easy but really special gift for someone. I'm about to start a Christmas one this week as next month we'll be having Christmas In July classes at the shop. That's handy if you - like me! - still have photos from last Christmas that haven't been touched yet! We'll be having our beginners' classes that are already on the website and we'll also be doing an advanced chrissy and intermediate chrissy layout plus a Christmas tag book like the one I've just done. We can make them up in to kits if you want to purchase them but can't get to the shop to do the class. Hey I'll even chuck in some instructions for you or we'll do the chatroom thing so I can guide you along as you go if you prefer.
Cass finished her Masters stuff today - bless her the poor girl has been frazzled over the whole thing lately and she's poured her heart and soul into the four projects she's done. Between you, me and the doorpost I think she's in with a big chance to not only be shortlisted but to make Master as well!!!! We're hoping she'll at least be shortlisted so we can drive her entries to Sydney - ROADTRIP!!!!!! I can't imagine anything more fun than the two of us running amok on the country's highways, girls on a mission to get to the SM headquarters!!!
I bought two new noserings yesterday while I was at the markets; a small amethyst stud and a nose ring with a silver ball on it. The ring is a teeny bit too big but I'll keep it in reserve for when I need the shock factor. There's certainly a trick to getting that ring out once it's in though and for a little while I was worried I wouldn't be able to get it out again myself! Got it figured out in the end though with no damage to speak of. Lu will be a more careful girl next time though!!!
I have to do some thinking this week about the typing business I run from home and what I need to do to find more clients. The problem is that I don't want a huge 6 day a week thing like I had before because I'd far rather be at the shop these days, but at the same time I do need to be making some money, even if it is through dribs and drabs of work from various places. While I've got you reading, if you know anyone who needs a great typist and is happy to work via the internet and online (email back and forth etc) then can I say "pick me! pick me! pick me!!!!!!". I've been a medical typist for ten years and have experience in gastroenterology, speech pathology, cardiology, general surgery, dermatology, orthopaedics, infectious diseases and I'm pretty fast on the uptake so I can pretty much type anything medical from the word go. At the moment I type at about 85-90 words per minute with 98% accuracy and I've got the whole home office set up going on with a personal IT tech on site 24 hours a day (yay Dougie!!!!). I can work with virtual private networks, remote desktops and via file server and email. I can provide 24 hour turnaround for urgent letters and 48 hour turnaround is standard. I can pretty much type anything but my preference is for medical typing because it's what I'm most familiar with. It's a funny business though - I've spoken to temp agencies who say it's so hard to find a good typist and here I am, and I consider myself to be a good typist but can't find work! I could do temping but I only have a wardrobe full of mummy clothes and to be honest I loathe the idea of having to have the kids in before and after school care every day and having to move from job to job on a weekly or even daily basis. So I'm a creature of habit and like to sit at my desk at home and do my work from there, regardless of where the work comes from. There you have it - a shameless plug for my typing abilities and a gentle nudge, nudge, wink, wink if you know somebody who could use a good typist!!!
There is a fruit shop opening down the street from us at the shop and thank goodness for that!!! I've been enjoying the baker's fine efforts for weeks now and it's starting to show again, slowly undoing all the hard work I put in at the gym. As far as I know it hasn't re-opened yet and I think I'll have to take the weight management thing into my own hands again. I'll have to start replacing danishes with fruit and pies and sausage rolls with salad.
The new SM will be out soon for subscribers. I've got my Real People, Real Stories in this issue and one of my very favourite layouts in it- Tuff Chik. Can I let you in on a little secret? I hope SM staffers aren't devoted blog readers but I especially chose Tuff Chik to submit with my article because I was allowed to choose anything I wanted to be published with the article and I had submitted Tuff Chik a couple of months before, loving it to bits and really confident it would be picked up, and nobody accepted it. I was a teensy bit gutted so I figured I'd get it published in my own way!!! lol Silly but I really wanted it accepted because I liked it. So the next issue will have that one in it and I'm looking forward to seeing it. I've already received my thank you gift from SM for publishing my story - a Pink Martini pack of papers and alpha stickers which are v.cool and I'm sure I'll find a use for very soon. Just as soon as I get all the "have to" scrapping out of the way and fine some time for some "want to" scrapping........!
I'm off to feed the starving masses, attend to homework checks, put babies in baths and hopefully catch a quiet minute for a glass of wine alone with Dougie at some point this evening. Oh yeah and Supernatural is on tonight too so after the kids have finished watching Mythbusters I can put the three youngest to bed and Doug, Blayd and I will settle back to watch this week's dose of fright and fear. Blayd is 12 now so he's only just been allowed recently to sit up and watch anything past 8.30 with us - he's all puffed up about his new status and likes to sit with a coffee no less and curl up next to me on the couch to watch the box.
I'll promise I'll post my double for Dares when I see it and I'll be back soon for more chatter. Don't forget to comment for your name to be in the RAK draw this week. Later babes, Lu
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Love Saturday mornings....
This one is the Adult Altered Tag Album class. If you'd like to come along for a couple of hours of fun while I show you how to make one then have a look at our class timetable here. I'd love to meet some of you if you're able to come along one day. The class runs a few times per week at different times throughout June. These albums make really good presents and are super easy to do once you've completed the first one so you can then make albums about absolutely anything once you know how.
Cass and I have decided that probably Saturday next week we'll get into the Scrapbook Convention. We've got a couple of classes on at the shop so we'll have to wait and see if we have any teaching to do but (isn't this awful) I hope we don't get anyone on the Saturday so we can go and spend the day at the show instead!!! I'm hoping to catch up with a few famous faces too, esp. Jilly who'll be at the Scrapapple stand. I did want to know who won the SC Colour Competition but I don't think they announce that until Sunday and I'm not so egotistical to think I should change the day I go to Sunday so I can be there "just in case" I win or make runner up!!!! lol
Hope you're lovin' your weekend. Later chickies, Lu