Today saw Cass and I pack 6 of our 8 kids in the car (plus the ever helpful and long suffering Dougie!!!) and drive to Rocks Riverside Park at Jindalee. The site used to be an old cement plant and it's been converted to a great park for families. When we weren't quite so H2O challenged it was meant to be a water play park but the water's been shut off due to the drought and now it's just a play park. It also has some nice old machinery and concrete blocks and lots of different grassy places, rocky areas etc so plenty of photo opportunities. Of course only two of the six kids were actually interested in posing for any length of period so we have more pics of Lily and Lachlann than we do of any of the others. But it was fun to get them out of the house and having a bit of a run around.
I've done a couple of layouts this week, the first being for our Get Real Challenge for June which is "Nice Girls Ought Not To........" and mine was that "Nice Girls Ought Not To Say F@#k" but I've tactfully replaced the two middle letters with flowers so now it looks like "Nice Girls Ought Not To Say Fook". You'll have to excuse that cos it wasn't meant to look like that and I didn't even realise until Cass pointed that out to me. Either it looks like Fook or it looks like a pair of boobs instead!!!! Thanks also to Cass for pointing that out to me but she picked up on that one while I was still doing the layout! She reckons my layout needs pasties now to cover it for modesty...........
This one is a sub layout about goals and dreams and what I want to do this year. The winged heart at the bottom with "feel the fear and do it anyway" written on it is the actual tattoo I'm going to have done at some point before year's end. I tried not to go overboard with this layout as I'm usually able to be accused of not knowing when to stop but I was a good girl this time and held back - just a bit - and I'm sure the layout is better for it (and so are your retinas, dear reader!!!!lol).
Kerry from the Cyberscraps forum is in town this week, doing my mini tag album with me and doing the advanced Fancy Pants Stamps and Watercolour class with Cass as well. It's so cool to meet people IRL that we've chatted to online. Kerry will be the very first person who has gotten to do the mini tag album class and I'm a bit excited. I'm sure it will turn out fab for her - I'll do my best to make sure it does but Kerry's quite the accomplished scrapper so I'm sure she's going to do a great job. If you're interested in doing the class you can go to Cyberscraps and have a look at when it's running - I've tried to schedule morning, afternoon and evening times so you should find something to suit your schedule. I'd love to meet up with more of you if you are able to come and do a class with us. The tag album is $20 and that's everything included - you walk away with your completed tag album. The only thing you need to supply is your pics and we'll organise everything else.

Now that I have a whole host of new photos to work with, my printer has declared itself out of one of its inks and everything is printing GREEN!!!!! Within one day of this happening Dougie's printer decided to go out in sympathy and it thinks it's out of cyan so we have about twenty bloody printers in this house and I cannot print anything!!!! Grrrrrrrr I don't even really have the spare money to go to Harvey Norman to get anything printed this week so something will have to be arranged methinks. NEED NEW PHOTOS!!!!!!!!
I'm off to sort photos and have a quick HOT shower before it gets any colder and I guess the expectation is that I'll get dinner ready sometime soon!!! lol I will have to sort my scrap totes tonight as one has split its zipper and I don't have the ka-ching this week to buy another bag so I'll have to work out which "essentials" I'm going to put in my one remaining tote bag that I take to work. I basically do 99% of my scrapping at the shop now so most of my must-haves stay in my bags and I don't know how I'm meant to work out what needs to stay when I want all of it to stay!!! lol
I had better go. Her highness has very unfortunately fallen asleep - at like 4.00pm!!!!! - and attempts to wake her up have not been very successful yet. I don't know which I prefer - the very snarly, crying, angry girl I'll have on my hands if I wake her, or the happy, hyper and not willing to sleep girl I'll have on my hands at 10 o'clock tonight if I don't wake her RIGHT NOW. The dilemma is that sometimes she does actually sleep through if she goes down late in the afternoon but am I willing to risk it???? It's a major mummy gamble and I doubt very much if I'll win this one regardless of what I do!
Lachlann is also whipping up a batch of double choc chip muffins (Woolworths Home Brand chocolate muffin mix actually has bugger all nasty additives which is nothing short of a miracle really). He made some last week and now fancies himself as quite the chef so I, not ever wanting to discourage a man from finding his feet in the kitchen, have allowed him to work mostly unsupervised. I have been getting regular bowl updates - which means he trots into my room with the bowl with the mixing spoon still in it to show me consistency - so I at least know what he's up to. He's not allowed to use the oven alone but everything else he can manage. I'm hoping one day some girl really appreciates that I let him cook from a very young age. If only I could get the boys to clean as willingly as they cook!!!!! As if!!!!! lol
Okay well I'll be 'round later. Hope you've enjoyed your weekend. Don't forget to say hi as I love to hear from all of you fab girls who visit me on your blog hops. In the interest of good karma I'm trying to make sure I leave comments too as I know lots of bloggers really appreciate a quick hello. Makes us think we're doing something worthwhile if somebody took time enough to comment.
Later all you blog hoppin' babes, Lu
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