I had a great day in the shop yesterday, getting a few layouts done which is always great as it's just about the only place I scrap any more!!! lol At home it's always typing work or housework or some other thing that has to be done and scrapping seems to come a sad last to everything else so luckily at the shop (most of the time anyway) scrapping is my number one priority. The above layout is one I did just for fun, no particular reason except that I bought some Buzz & Bloom chipboard at the Paper Arts Festival yesterday and liked the punched out middle bits so much that I used them. I also took a leaf out of fab Lusi's book and bought a thingy of correction tape so that's the white stripes you see on the page. It's a bit hit and miss with those unfortunately but y'all know I'm not big on perfection so I didn't mind! lol The paper is by Luxe and they have some really great bold patterns and colours. It reminds me a bit of Cheeky Miss from last month's SM and I didn't even realise the colour similarities until I was finished. I think if a colour combo works for me I do tend to go back and use it again without realising.
A rare not-so-quiet minute or two in the scattered mind of a scrapper, a mother, a wifey, a photographer wannabe, a typist, a shopper, a spender, a day-dreamer, a wisher, a lazybum, a stand up newbie, a karaoke wannabe, a flea marketer, a tea cup collector, proudly tattooed, prettily pierced and definitely a scatterbrain!
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Yay productive Friday!!!
I had a great day in the shop yesterday, getting a few layouts done which is always great as it's just about the only place I scrap any more!!! lol At home it's always typing work or housework or some other thing that has to be done and scrapping seems to come a sad last to everything else so luckily at the shop (most of the time anyway) scrapping is my number one priority. The above layout is one I did just for fun, no particular reason except that I bought some Buzz & Bloom chipboard at the Paper Arts Festival yesterday and liked the punched out middle bits so much that I used them. I also took a leaf out of fab Lusi's book and bought a thingy of correction tape so that's the white stripes you see on the page. It's a bit hit and miss with those unfortunately but y'all know I'm not big on perfection so I didn't mind! lol The paper is by Luxe and they have some really great bold patterns and colours. It reminds me a bit of Cheeky Miss from last month's SM and I didn't even realise the colour similarities until I was finished. I think if a colour combo works for me I do tend to go back and use it again without realising.
Friday, 28 September 2007
Hint, hint.......
Cass and I had a sabattical from the shop this afternoon and went into the Paper Arts Festival here in Brisbane. It was actually really small but still managed to pick up a few things I really liked like some big Prima flowers, some red glossy Bella chipboard alphas, more inks and Aqualip pens, basics like Pritt and pop dots etc. We had a great time, catching up with Lisa, Ruth, Leone and Marni as well as some other girls.
Today Lusi arrives and tomorrow will be up for a big picnic in the park kind of thing so that all of us who love her to bits will get to meet each other. It's funny how there are so many interwoven connections through the internet, forums, etc. People we know, people we know of, people we admire yet for whatever reason haven't had a chance to meet. I'm sure it will also be a mad dash for the cameras to have so many friends we know in the once place at the one time!!!
My kitchen is done and has soooo much more room than before. I chose smoke blue cabinets and dark blue granite laminex for the bench tops although to be honest I really didn't care about the colour. I was just glad to have it done!!! The workmen were all lovely and super-fast but Doug and I are still slowly getting everything back into the kitchen and sorting and chucking stuff out (as you do when you have to completely empty a room for whatever reason).
The boys have gone for a week's holiday with their dad so the house will be a bit quieter. I really miss them when they're gone but at the same time it's nice to have a chance to do things with the two little ones without having to worry about the bigger boys getting bored with things like indoor play centres etc. James and Caeligh are off with Gran today for her usual Friday babysitting and I think the plan for tonight will be scrapping for me and Cass and Doug is desperately trying to finish Halo 2 so that he can crack the seal on Halo 3. He got it on Tuesday when it was released and I can't believe he's been so patient. So that's his aim for tonight I think, to get his game finished so he can start the new one. I'm sure he'll end up doing more tidying up as well as he's just one of those nice guys who will do whatever he sees that needs doing. Worth his weight in gold that man!!! I should marry him one day!!! lol
Okay, back to the grind here at the shop (not that being here is every really work!) cos I want to get some new layouts done and I think I should finish off my EDG layout for next week too!!!
Have a great weekend and take care! Lotta love, Lu
Thursday, 27 September 2007
All About Eve - Future Glimpse
Just a quick post as my house is in the middle of HELL right now with my kitchen only half finished and with no power or water connected to it so far.
I'm off to the Papercrafts festival at the RNA showgrounds tomorrow afternoon with Cass to catch up with Lusi for a bit.
Talk about heart attack - Doug was just standing next to me in our room watching the boys climb the big tree out the back. The next thing we see is our tiny girl up the tree and scrambling along a high branch just like the big boys. Poor Doug has almost had heart failure (me too!!!) and run out to tell her to stop moving so he could help her get down. The funniest thing is that she didn't look the least bit scared and she is as agile as a cat. I'm more worried about her brothers falling and hurting themselves than her but it wouldn't look good in the Emergency Room while she waited for treatment for a broken limb if I said that!!!!
Chat again soon, Lu
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Stuff from today
Monday, 24 September 2007
She didn't go to kindy soon enough!!!!!
First up she decided that television was too good to leave just for a little thing like needing a poo - so she just took off her pj pants and undies and dropped it on the timber floor of the loungeroom instead.............there are just some days when I don't have any words and this is one of them........
Her older brother was meant to empty the dishwasher this morning and got as far as opening the door all the way but then got pulled in by the TV tractor beam. Her Royal Brattiness then decided to go into the kitchen. Now our kitchen, being a rental house, doesn't have a dedicated under bench dishwasher space so ours sits in front of an unused cupboard and we have a hose connector thingy to the tap and that's how it all works. Because the dishwasher is freestanding we have a couple of heavy plastic storage tubs on top with kitchen stuff in them to weigh it down and for the most part that works fine - unless you do something stupid and dangerous that is. This is the part where Caeligh comes in.
She walked into the kitchen and decided to STAND ON THE OPEN DOOR of the dishwasher, thus causing the whole frigging thing to topple forward, launching very heavy plastic tubs of kitchenware across the length of the kitchen floor and the whole dishwasher fell forward, falling on the door in the process so that all the now smashed crockery and glassware remained safely inside the dishwasher. I have been able to make this assumption based on the mess that I found upon leaping up out of my chair at my desk like I'd been shot and bolting through the house in response to the crashing sound and her scream of terror as she surely though the dishwasher was coming to get her. Lucky for her (and prayers of thanks to God for keeping her safe from herself) she came to no harm, unlike my plates, cups, mugs, bowls and wine glasses................ :(
Where on earth have I been?

Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Surprise but v.cool!
I was looking for cool new challenge blogs to add to our Everyday Garbage links list and remembered to go back and check out Scrap The Boys which is run by the lovely Sharryn Thomson. I was "bowled over" (sorry for the pun!!!) to find that she had chosen my layout "Opening Bat" as her "Just Because" pick! How spesh is that?!?!?! I'm always thrilled to see others who like my stuff and I hope I don't ever "get used to it" iykwim? If there wasn't that little buzz then I think I'd wonder what the point was considering that yep I'll admit I scrap partially for the personal recognition thing, to prove that this is something that I've created in my role of being just me as opposed to being mummy, wifey, employee and all that other stuff (which I love too, it's just not the same but I hope you get what I'm meaning by that). This layout was originally subbed for SC's colour comp.
Nothing else exciting but just thought I'd share. Cya, Lu
Everyday Garbage Challenge #1 is up and running!
My dictionary from my typing has not been able to be restored fully although Cath did very kindly email me hers so that some of it was back and all of my precious auto-corrects are gone, gone, gone like George. That's the hardest part as it saved me so much time and made my life a whole lot easier. So now I have to re-create them all again, hours and hours of work but what can you do? Nothing.....except learn for next time to make sure I back up all those things specifically before I do anything to my computer. It just didn't occur to me that Word wouldn't keep that stuff when it reinstalled. DUH LU!!!! So my own fault really.
Waiting on new One Little Word and All About Eve challenges this week and I can't say for sure that I'll get Aussie Dares done although I'd like to.
This layout is the other photo I had on my blog the other day from my quick photo shoot with Lachlann. I've used Kaiser bling on this, a big round silver earring, the Marah Johnson Rock Star metal guitar and banner embellishments plus the matching epoxy stickers and some gorgeous purple velvet brads which are also Creative Imaginations that we got into Cyberscraps. If you're a brad addict you should see the jewelled, glittery and velvet brads we got - I'm pretty sure they're under What's New - find them here. I've written the journalling in gun metal dark grey gel pen but it's really hard to see on here. Love this one - all to do with the fab products I'm pretty sure - that and the seriously cool subject matter of the photograph!!! lol
I'm off to do more typing now but have a great day and don't forget to check out the Everyday Garbage challenge if you get a chance.
Lotta love, Lu
Monday, 17 September 2007
Grrrrr computers!
Well my work hours have been changed AGAIN! The chick who left decided that she didn't like her new job and wanted her old one back and they gave it to her!!! So now I'm only working two days per week instead of five but God does make sure you get what you need and the amount I'm earning will still pay for the rent when we move over Christmas which is all I really needed from the job. The extra money would have been nice but the money to cover the rent is what we really needed so I feel blessed that we still have that. Slow going today though because when the computer had its rebuild yesterday my custom dictionary for Microsoft Word was nuked as well and Doug forgot to save it before erasing the whole hard drive and reinstalling everything. No problem really, he talked me through a data recovery program over the phone and we've rescued everything that was on the original hard drive and now I need to wait for him to get home so he can search through all the data and find the dictionary before getting rid of the other stuff again. The dictionary is my list of shortcuts and abbreviations I use all day long in my medical typing. It's taken me years to accumulate all the corrections on there and so today has been really slow going while I have to type everything out in full because none of it is in the system. Oh well, hopefully all fixed tonight.
The weekend was pretty quiet, I had a class Saturday morning at the shop and then Saturday afternoon we went to Garden City for a wander around. Doug wanted to look at something in Toys'R'Us and I wanted to try some Dreamy Donuts. They're meant to be the same as Krispy Kreme (got the taste for those after our Sydney jaunt!) and wow were they good!!!! My favourite was by far and away the raspberry filled with a huge slab of white chocolate on the top. There are just not words for how good it was and therefore I have resolved that I should probably never EVER eat one again lest I fall into its evil clutches and be forever hopelessly addicted to them! lol The last thing I need as I pretend to give a remote toss about my weight is a brand new food addiction! I've given up on the diet shakes though - the coupling of those milk based shakes plus the basic necessities like Diet Coke make me so sick that I ended up throwing up last week so that's out the window. I keep looking for the "magic bullet" or something that will make it easier or faster to lose weight but deep down I know that what I really have to do is be more careful about what and how much I eat and I need to shift my fatty boombah bum and do some exercise - whether I like exercise or not! I have been going to the gym but only once or twice a week and given that I'm not exactly the strictest person when it comes to what I eat, that just isn't enough to do more than break even. Certainly isn't enough to make me lose any weight, just halt the gaining process.
So Sunday was a trip to the computer market to buy some parts for my computer so that I'd actually have a working computer. I also stopped in at Target and bought some new thongs - yes I am totally a complete dag and I do pretty much live in thongs all summer long! I already have a great pair of hot pink ones so I ended up getting a pair of lime green ones with white polka dots and a white pair with cherries all over them. That should cover just about any fashion contingency of the season!!!! Remember when I bought Caeligh some new shoes last week? The red embroidered suede ballet flats for the bargain price of $5??? Well she was wearing those when she was in the backseat of the car late last week and she thought it would be a good idea to open a 4 litre bottle of motor oil sitting on the floor in front of her and pour half of it all over the carpet in the back of the van and ALL OVER THE BRAND NEW RED SHOES!!! I tell ya, there are not words some days for that girl..........I'm sure it's nothing that a firetruck full of degreaser won't fix (the carpet in the van that is) but I'm pretty sure the dainty suede ballet flats are a write off. If you have any safe way to remove motor oil from suede I'd love to hear it (when you all stop laughing cos I know, that's just a ridiculous proposition cos clearly they're ruined beyond salvation and what kind of optimistic fool am I?........).
Well tomorrow is our big launch of our first Everyday Garbage challenge! We're all so excited and have our takes on the challenge sitting waiting to share them with you! I'm the only one out of the five of us (cos I do most of the posting, only because I have a bit more time in front of the computer than the other girls) that has seen everyone's work and I love how different we all are in our styles and the way we approached the challenge. Still can't believe how lucky I am some days to be junking it up with some of the best in the business! The whole plan so far is that all the hints we've given - the last one went up this morning - will point to the challenge we'll be putting up tomorrow. If you have time to go and post a comment on the hints at all then we'll be drawing a random name to receive a RAK as well plus you'll get to see what other creative minds have suggested for the hint items we've posted. There are some clever chickies out there I am telling you!!! We're hoping the blog will be a real source of inspiration for people and something new and different for scrappers to have a go at. For some people we know that the whole found objects thing is really hard so hopefully the ideas you see on the site will get you to try new things, think "outside the square" cliche as that sounds, and just give you a reason to have a little fun with your layouts. I will say right now that I very much doubt that my layout is acid free and completely archival safe but I did it because I wanted to and it's meant to be about creativity and fun. I have albums and albums of perfectly preserved archival safe layouts - this time I wanted to be able to be as creative as I liked without having the constant worry of it all being acid free yadda yadda. I know some scrappers are reeling in horror at what I've just said but hey it's a bit of fun and the layout will last as long as it lasts and I'll keep creating my other stuff as well. Trust me, my kids will never be short of layouts about their childhoods! lol
Our very first Everyday Garbage challenge will go up tomorrow, Tuesday 18th September and you can access it from here. Come have a look at what we're up to and join in if you can!
I have to say thank you to Lisa Le-Ray for her much needed cheer up for me the other week. I will get back to you soon. Jilly I hope your day hasn't been too exhausting (yeah right!!!) and rest up when you can. Kat and Peta, thanks so much for Friday night - we always have so much fun when you guys come hang out with us!
Back to the typing grind but I'll be back again soon. Have a great week, love Lu
Friday, 14 September 2007
Cyberscraps cybercrop tonight!
I've already posted up our three challenges here if you want to get a head start and then tonight we'll be having games and chat on our forum with our fabulous forum chicks!
Cass and I have our TGIF crop night at the shop tonight but we'll be multi-tasking and helping out online as well so we'd love to see you stop by and join in.
Chat soon, Lu
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Rock Star RAK

I think he looks amazing though!!! I mucked around in GIMPshop for the top one, adjusting the histogram for the brightness and mucking with the contrast etc. The bottom one I used the brightness and contrast to fix after I had changed it to rich B&W with the hue saturation. Sorry Jilly but I'm still totally hit and miss at this!!!!
Today brings lots more typing after more work was added to the queue yesterday afternoon so I'm trying to get the fun stuff over with first because I just don't know when I'll finish work today. I miss the shop soooooo much!!!!! I miss spending three days a week in a place I love working along side my absolute best friend in the world - Cass!!!!!!! I miss our wonderful customers who come and chat and watch us work!!!
Fear not! We have a crop night this coming Friday night from 6pm until midnight and I'll definitely be there even though I haven't been in the shop for two weeks (is it that long already?). If you want to come hang with us in the shop with some tunes and pizza for dinner then give Cass a ring at the shop today on 07 3274 5522. Kat and Peta - we definitely want to hear that you're coming!!!!
Okay well if you would like to be in the draw for the RAK you know the drill. Just leave a comment any time over the next five days - I'll draw the RAK Sunday night. If you have time and you would like to join in the inspiration brainstorm in the lead up to our first challenge launch on Everyday Garbage have a look here at our latest hint - there's a pattern so far that will tell you what you'll need to do for our first challenge plus people are coming up with some rockin' ideas for our hints so far! So cool to watch everyone putting their ideas out there to share with others - that's completely what our mission was when we started off.
Have a great Wednesday no matter what you're up to! Lotta love, Lu
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
All About Eve challenge

Back later with hopefully something more interesting to share!
Monday, 10 September 2007
Happy happy Monday
Thanks to God again for intervention with the phone account problem. The loveliest man called me from their pr department and sorted the whole thing out in the space of five minutes with no drama and no fuss at all. Totally and utterly helpful and he said he didn't really understand why nobody could have done the same thing for me on Friday and saved all the grief.
And it seems that as of about ten minutes ago, Blayd still couldn't spell "detention" and he gave Doug some incredibly lame story about the teacher having to leave suddenly and everyone else being on duty so there was nobody to supervise his detention so it was cancelled. His dad, who works at the school, told me Blayd tried that at lunchtime to escape his detention then too but there's no answer at his pod so we can't confirm yet whether that's actually what happened or if he's just giving us a load of bull (which is what I'm pretty sure is going on). I tell you, I can't believe how sneaky and cunning he's becoming. It's horrible to watch my eldest son - who has always had some problems and been a little bit away in his own world - turning into some nasty creature that I can't trust, can't believe anything he tells me. I don't like the feeling that I can't take him at his word but he keeps proving me to be a fool when I do take him at his word and I'm getting a bit jack of that! It sounds mean of me but he's always been a bit clueless and he continues to play that card all the freaking time and it's driving me nuts cos now he's proving that he's far more clever that he makes out. He can't quite manage to do any schoolwork but he's getting an A+ right now on his report card for lying, avoidance, scamming and spinning crap. The "A+" is for effort, not for skill or accuracy cos he's not very believable anymore. I'm seriously thinking I need help with him. I've heard that the Triple P parenting program is really good and there was - coincidentally or not? - an ad for the program for dealing with teenagers from 11-16 (since when do 11 and 12 year olds count as teenagers? I guess they're dealing with life earlier and earlier these days) in the last school newsletter and I think I'll have to take a deep breath and just ring and see what we can do. I'm having one of those revelations where I understand now just how mind-bogglingly infuriating it must have been for my parents to watch me lie to them over and over again as a young teenager and prove myself untrustworthy on more occasions than I can now remember. Knowing how dreadful I was - as a girl - I'm cringing at how bad Blayd is going to be. He may be sly and cunning lately but he's still also very easily led and I bet you can read my mind about the kind of trouble I worry that he's going to get himself into. I know the kind of trouble I got myself into and I was just a really lucky kid, never getting myself into a jam that God didn't show me a way out of but not every kid is lucky and I'm just so bloody worried about where he's going to go from here. Any advice is one hundred thousand percent appreciated........
On a bright, happy note, our next hint for Everyday Garbage is up - find it here. This one's going to have you scratching your head for sure!!! lol My layout for our first challenge is sitting here on the desk next to me and I have a scan on my computer and I'M BUSTING TO SHARE IT BUT I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY!!!! ARGH!!!!! I also wish I could blab about all the cool fun challenges we have lined up but I'm sworn to secrecy on those too!!!!
I'm off to type again now - love my job, love my job - but I did get paid so that's a good thing! Still more work than I know what to do with but that's just how it goes.
I was going to share some pics of the stuff I bought at the markets yesterday but my card reader thingy in the front of my computer doesn't want to play with me today so it's ignoring my SD card like it doesn't even exist. Another job for Dougie the Super Tech when he comes home!
Have a nice night guys. Lotta love, Lu
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Better day
So we piled the kids in the car and headed off. Caeligh was duly strapped into her pram on arrival, with the shoulder straps crossed over to prevent her otherwise very likely escape. For some reason my boys have never, ever seen the prudence in staying close to me when we're out in public anywhere so it's normal for them to wander far and wide in the shops so at any point we probably can't see at least one kid. I keep threatening dog leashes and one day I'm going to make good on it!!!!! Caeligh threw a couple of cracker tantrums about really minor things like wanting to take a chupa-chup into the toilet with her and not being able to physically get out of the pram and hand the money to the man behind the counter when she purchased a toy for Lachie for his birthday (belated gifts from siblings - another gold-plated slacker mummy trait!!). We've really reached a point now where we can ignore her fairly convincingly but she still grates on the rest of the shopping population in a really visible way. People gawk and stare and whisper - you know what they're saying - "Glad she's not my kid". Mate I'm very glad she's mine, I just wish she had come with a volume knob!!!! And I figure if I have to listen to it then so can everyone else. She has vocal volume and projection that is far beyond her years and everyone should get to enjoy her fire-engine screeches of protest for as long as she wants to continue with it cos I'm not buying into the supplication parenting any more. No treats, no lollies, no doing whatever it takes to make her be quiet. I do not negotiate with terrorists!!!!!
So we made a very loud convoy as we trekked through the shops (I was reading on Kerrin's blog about the same thing - yep, Kerrin, they look in horror at us when we arrive at their store too!!!!). I had to go to Target to put money on the Christmas lay-by and Doug looks sideways and asks why on earth was it again we were spending so much money on them? That's cos by now James has climbed a display cos he wants to reach something at the top, Caeligh has started screaming that she needs the toilet (a new trick she knows gets her out of a boring situation lightning fast), Lachlann has vanished and Blayd is slumped on the floor against a clothes rack as he's currently grounded for the whole "don't give a toss about school" thing so he's determined to show us how bummed he is about knowing he won't get diddly squat on the shopping trip. So for him the day is a total loss and he wants to share it. Jilly, you were absolutely right - the testicles have got to go!!! The whole starting puberty thing is revolting already and we're only at the beginning!!!! Doug has that slightly pained look on his face and I'm sure he's thinking back to when we first met on the internet almost ten years ago and thinking "why the hell didn't I just assume that girl would be trouble and run?????". Granted, he has the patience of a saint with the kids, more than I do most days, so he teeters between that pained look and just laughing it all off because what else can you do some days?
The reason I did end up having a happy shopping trip despite the children all playing a starring role in putting it as far off the rails as possible was that in Target, they were having a shoe clearance and while I've never been a big "I need to have 100 pairs of shoes" type of girl, I do like to have a couple of great pairs if they're a good price, just so I'm in something besides my red $10 imitation converse knock offs from K-Mart (which are getting serious air conditioning in the soles so I really need a new pair of them too!). I will have to take a picture later to show you what I ended up with but I really love ballet flats and while I know that they are now in some seriously hideous pastel shades for spring, I don't wear hideous pastel anything - at any time - so I just bought the winter stock and am very happy with it thank you! I found ballet flats - my favourite shoes right now - in bright red, a metallic maroon colour and a pair with black and white leopard print. They were all $5!!!! You read it right - five bucks a pair! So yes, I bought three pairs of ballet flats plus, just for fun and the very occasinal night out, a pair of 3 inch patent red stilettos - total hooker shoes but I love them with jeans and a nice top - and as long as I know I'll be sitting down most of the evening!!!! lol They were only $5 as well so it's hard to go wrong with them at that price, even if they are only "occasional wear" type shoes. I bought Blayd a new pair of sneaks for school for $6 and Caeligh got a pair of red suede embroidered ballet flats and a pair of cute pink knee high boots for $7 a pair each. Her feet are growing so damned fast right now it's crazy!
Then I stopped into Diva cos I love junky jewellery. My MIL looks down her nose at my cheap and cheerful jewellery and says she only buys "quality pieces" and that's fine love, if you've got someone to buy it for you or you have that kind of money but I don't and besides, I like to change my look a lot and that requires having lots of options so the best way to do that is pick up stuff that's not meant to last a lifetime, just a season. I always just head straight for their reduced rack and don't really buy anything full price - how scummy am I?!?!?! lol But I always find stuff I love and if it's reduced then that's all the better. I got a three pack of earrings with gold hoops, huge diamond studs and small diamond studs for $3, a gorgeous lariat necklace with matching earrings for $3, a pair of cherry earrings for $3, a purple enamel owl on a long chain (like the Hambly rub-on owls) for $5, some headbands and plastic beads for Caeligh and my favourite purchase, a large enamel oval medallion and matching earrings.
I did end up getting paid thank goodness and so Doug and I are going out to dinner tonight - alone!!! The MIL is coming over to watch the troops for a couple of hours and we're going to the Sushi Train at Sunnybank which as the best sushi around plus it's a pretty cheap dinner which is how we like it! Then Jamie and Caeligh are going home with the MIL for a sleep over and I think Doug and the boys are going to LAN over the internet with his friends and play Counter Strike. He's asked me if I'll play too but it's not something I really love like he does, more that I join in cos it makes him happy to have me participate in something he loves to do. And it's not like I don't have a crapload of work to do so I might try to do some of that tonight and spend most of tomorrow working as well. Thinking of the money, thinking of the money. Especially as our car is playing up at the moment. It needs a new altenator belt and new brake pads which aren't much in the scheme of things but she's getting on in age and I'm just holding my breath for something expensive to go wrong. We had a flat battery upon trying to leave the shops this afternoon and the MIL had to drive 20 minutes to come and give us a jump start with her car. So the altenator belt is being replaced first thing tomorrow and we're going to drive her car when we go out for dinner tonight.
I'm off to make a gourmet dinner for the kids of boiled eggs and toast soldiers (hey it's not my fault if that's their idea of an exciting dinner!) and get ready to go out for dinner with my lovey.
I'm trying to update Everyday Garbage with our first hint but Typepad appears to be slightly buggered this afternoon so I'll try to do it later.
Take care and have a good weekend. Lotta love, Lu
Friday, 7 September 2007
What's the deal with all the s**t hitting the fan at once???
- My eldest is on the verge of being suspended from school for misbehaviour in class and on the verge of failing due to lack of giving a toss about any of his school work. It seems that he couldn't spell detention so when his teacher gave him some today he had no idea what she meant and went home instead of doing his after school detention. Now I think I'll need to teach him whole phrases instead of just words, phrases like "you are a dead man", "can't believe you did that" and "grounded for life". They're just the clean ones I can use here.
- My old phone company have continued to bill me since I switched companies and despite repeatedly asking them to stop and having been told I would get an amended bill for a final amount, I got a nasty letter today from a collection company. Wasted an hour and a half of my work day on that crap which still didn't get sorted out and had to ring the Telecommunications Ombudsman to get them to step in. Could have done without that -thanks so much AAPT for being completely unwilling to help even though the mistake is yours and not mine!
- I have more work than I actually know what to do with right now. It has blown out to about 30 hours of typing that needs to be done on top of the normal 40 hours per week (conservative estimate there) that gets logged each week. Thanks so much to the previous typist who left me with said 30 hours of typing and chose not to do her work in the last week cos she didn't care and knew it would no longer be her problem anyway! Turns out she lied outright and told the manager that her work was all up to date so she even naffed off early on her last day!!!! Yes, admittedly there's a tidy amount of money in that but money can't buy you sleep or time with your kids can it!!!!! That is so not a question so you'll see there are no question marks on that last sentence..........plus because the last typist left with so little warning I haven't had time to learn a complicated speech recognition software program that I need to know how to operate to do some of the work that is still outstanding. I'm meant to learn that this afternoon I assume so I can catch up on work over the weekend. NOT FUN NOT FUN NOT FUN NOT FUN NOT FUN NOT FUN NOT FUN NOT FUN NOT FUN NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT
- then they didn't process my invoice on time yesterday even though they said they would, they didn't respond to an email this morning asking if they could confirm that it went through okay yesterday so I could pay my direct debits or give me time to organise something else and didn't seem particularly interested when I had to ring back again this afternoon because nobody bothered to let me know what was happening either. So we have exactly $20 to our name now to last us until probably Monday when the money will come through. It's not like I had plans or was going anywhere but that isn't the issue at all. F**k them then - I'm going to invoice them on Monday for the the full week and if they can't bring themselves to pay me then they can go find someone else to do their typing. I don't care how much money it is - I can do without this crap. I was far happier before, working at Cyberscraps, getting paid in product and personal fulfillment, than I feel right now even knowing how much money is coming to me. I don't have that money or the fulfillment or happiness or anything right now. Right now I'm just pissed off at the world and would dearly love to put my head in a blender. I'll settle for a big glass of red but you know what I mean.
So please excuse me while I go have a small mental breakdown over here in the corner............God, anytime you'd like to step in and take this crap off my shoulders you can totally have it. I surrender *waving pathetic white flag above her head*
Sorry - I really did try to keep my self indulgent whinging to a moderate level..........
Is it RAK o'clock yet????
I'll be going into the shop over the weekend to choose something v.spesh for a RAK so keep watching this space as they say!
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Come see the gorgeous range and check out our prices here.
Let the rock begin!!!!
Challenge blogs rock!!!

Wednesday, 5 September 2007
The three of us, along with the supremely talented Jill Geraghty-Groves and the lovely Alana Steadman, have started our own challenge blog called Everyday Garbage. It reflects our love of garbage and tat and not-quite-scrapbooking type things that we use on our layouts and the idea is that hopefully we'll inspire you to try some new stuff on your layouts and in return we know you'll all inspire us with your creativity and ability to push the envelope with our challenges.
The details of how it all works are on the blog as well as links to our individual blogs, the start of a photo album with notes about what we've used in our definition of garbage on some of our layouts and a v.cool "I play with garbage" blinkie link so you can grab one of your very own and be an Everyday Garbage Girl too!!!
Please bear with us though as we're all pretty new to running a challenge blog, many times a participant but never the organisers so we'll do our best to keep everything running smoothly for those of you who want to come play with us.
If you have time, go have a look-see, have a read and let us know what you think. There are lots of challenge blogs about at the moment and we don't plan on being competition for any of them. This is purely for fun (although we are giving away a RAK each fortnight for the most innovative take on our challenges and the first RAK is some drop dead gorgeous goodies from the brand new Marah Johnson Rock Star collection!!!!!) and we've added a link to other challenge blogs so you can get even more inspiration.
So I have to ask - do you want to play with garbage?!?!?!?
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Fab photo shoot on the weekend
So that was our Father's Day morning, and our Father's Day afternoon was spent at a park with this seriously cool monorail thing for the kids to pedal on. It surrounded the whole playground and was a great way for kids to play as well as get exercise. Yep, fatty bum mama had a go too and it actually is good exercise!!!! It was like an exercise bike with some light resistance! Needless to say Jamie lasted longer than me!!!!! lol We had fish and chips for lunch and Daddy got to play with the littlies for an hour. It's also an awesome park to fly a kite in and we'll have to remember that as Jamie is a bit of a kite fan.
Well after that enormous blog I at least feel like I've given 100% effort to something today!!! ha ha, just not what I should have given the effort to.......hey I had fun anyway. How about you? Now I'm going to raid the freezer and see what I can reanimate for dinner and I have to do some wrapping for tomorrow. Lachie's 10th birthday and he can't wait to get into double digits. I remember that too, a big milestone it was at the time. He's getting Guitar Hero 2 for the playstation so I'm sure he'll be stoked with that, plus I've got a couple of other smaller things for him. I've given him the option of doing something special on the weekend as well but he's still umming and arring about that so who know's what he'll decide?!?!?! And I do believe some kind of cake thing will be in order but that's a job I can tackle tomorrow, while not giving 100% effort to my typing or other stuff!!! lol
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Forgot a layout - not such a good one but anyway.....
Friday night crops rock!
We had a blast Friday night at our crop night. It's not what you'd call your usual crop night, everyone is relaxed, having fun and sometimes not even a lot of scrapping gets done! Not that I'm sure other crop nights aren't fun too but I think we've found something special at Cyberscraps with the ladies who come in. I've never had so much fun going to work before!!! Thanks to Julie, Kylie and Peta who are our favourite regulars and help make the night go off!