The top one is my layout for One Little Word. Somebody saying the word "perfect" to me is like showing a bull a red rag. It makes me mad!!! I just really dislike the word although I have things in my life that I'd consider as close to perfect as I think it's possible for us as human beings to get; I love my kids for the perfect beings that God created them to be (even though they all drive me crazy in their own way), I have as close to a perfect man as I could ask for and I have two near perfect jobs (each with their own little downfalls but pretty damned good all the same and both bring me a different kind of happiness). So the layout is about me and about how these days I love imperfectness. I revel in it. You could almost say I strive for it!!! I don't want perfect because to me it doesn't seem real, it's like a television show where things always turn out right or something like that. So apologies for not being in the "perfect life patrol" spirit of things but I love my imperfection and that's what perfect means to me these days. I know the OLW girls will totally get it so if you see a word you aren't sure about or you don't love, don't give the whole thing a miss, just put your own spin on it and celebrate your take on things!
The bottom layout is created with the new Fancy Pants papers and die cuts we got in at Cyberscraps this week. Admittedly don't love them but I'd like to think it doesn't stop me from using something for DT work.
Well tomorrow is remodelling day for our kitchen. We live in government subsidised housing and they've decided it's time to upgrade our admittedly ancient kitchen. I'm thrilled with that but not thrilled with having to remove EVERY SINGLE THING from my kitchen including all furniture, shelving we've bought and put in ourselves because there was so bloody little when we moved in, all the cupboards have to be empty and the fridge, freezer, all has to be gone so that they can redo the floor covering as well. I promise you it is going to be a day of take away tomorrow including breakfast as the workmen arrive at 7am and I have no place to get the kids set up for brekky anyway. I'm hoping I can actually leave the house all day while the tradesmen work as I've got all four kids and Doug at home on holidays tomorrow and I can't imagine surviving without a functioning kitchen for a whole day!!! Doug has valiantly offered to take the kids up to the indoor play centre for the majority of the day while I stay home and scrap if somebody has to be here. I will readily admit I think I'm getting the better end of the deal out of that one!!! lol I can put a kettle in my room and as long as I have coffee I think I'll be okay!
So that's my day tomorrow. The first of our new clues for Everyday Garbage go up tomorrow as well, just to get everyone's interest and get you thinking about our next challenge which goes up on Tuesday 2 October. We're still seeing amazing entries for our first challenge come in every day and the number of visitors we've had just leaves me totally floored by it all! I'm really excited that it's proving to be so popular and hopefully we are achieving our goal of getting scrappers to step outside the comfort zone and take some chances with their work. I can't wait to share my project for Challenge #2 - I've had the idea for weeks now, even before we knew what we'd be doing for the next challenge and while it's a little left of centre (isn't everything at EDG though?!?!?) I'm still really happy with it and it's something that I wouldn't have done in a million years before we started the blog.
Okay I'm going to bed now. I've got YET ANOTHER COLD and feel like crap. I'm going to finish my nice hot lemon drink with paracetamol in it and head off to bed. Doug and I still have to get up fairly early to do a vacuum and quick last minute tidy of the kitchen (or should I say what's left of it!!!) before the tradies turn up tomorrow.
While I think of it, I'm really grateful for hot lemon drinks with paracetamol in them, Doug for always being the one to stand up and do what has to be done, our car for keeping on keeping on, quiet time alone at this shop this afternoon which could have been really boring if not for a burst of inspiration for a layout I ended up doing, grateful that my kids know the blessings of having siblings even if they all hate each other right now and want to strangle each other on an almost hourly basis, and so grateful for Lusi being able to visit and for God orchestrating that for us all cos I miss her so much!!!! I'm also grateful for a wonderful shop owner at Cyberscraps who provides Cass and I with everything we need (and in abundance) so that we can have fun and create and do what we love. I'm also super-grateful (after today's computer dramas) that Doug has so much knowledge of computers that there's not much he can't fix (even if he doesn't have a piece of paper to say he can do all the amazing technical stuff he can do).
Have a great day tomorrow. Lotta love, Lu
Great layouts! Love your take on the word 'perfect'! Awesome!
one little word
The layout looks great Lu.And it good to se that the garbage blog is going so well for you.Take care Kerry
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