This layout was for the cybercrop at CyberScraps this weekend. My challenge to the girls was to incorporate humour onto a layout and I've used one of Caeligh's favourite jokes as the title for the layout. I'm sick of hearing that joke now (because she tells it about ten times a day, every day, to anyone who will listen) but I know in a few years' time she'll be older, with less time for jokes and less time to tell them to me so I wanted to make sure I remember how much she loves telling me jokes at the moment.
Well this weekend I did practically nothing! I had a relaxing Friday night in front of the TV with Dougie and then yesterday we spent the day around the house, doing some housework, playing with the kids and then we settled down to watch the Saturday round of the Clipsal 500 V8 supercar racing. One of the Fujitsu ute drivers was critically injured in a really bad crash. Collisions like that don't happen very often but just bad luck I think. I'm praying for him and his family. Last night Dougie went racing at High Octane with the racing sim guys. He was only gone an hour when I had to ring him because Caeligh was playing in the backyard right before dinner and when she came inside she had an ugly blotchy red rash over her tummy which itched like crazy. I got her into a cool bath with bicarb in it as quickly as I could but by then it had spread to her arms, back, face and down her legs. She looked awful and was crying from the itch. Do you think I could convince her to take some Phenergan though? Nope!!! She said she'd rather itch than have medicine and I tried to sneak some into her lemonade but she picked it straight away and spat that out too. I ended up taking her up to the doctors for a quick look over and a referral to an immunologist so that we can find out exactly what caused it. I think it is a grass of some kind but it would be helpful to know which in case it happens again or we can at least try to avoid it. Doug cut the grass today so I hope that helps but it didn't get done before Lachlann went outside to play and he got it too although not nearly as widespread as Caeligh but definitely as itchy!! She can't have felt too bad by the time she got to the doctors office because she jumped up and down in front of the receptionist yelling "I got itchies all over me!!!" and laughing! She's fine today thank goodness and you can barely see where the rash was at all.
Today we did pretty much the same as yesterday. Blayd went to a karate tournament down the Gold Coast with his friend Jordie who stayed over last night. Can you imagine my surprise when Blayd asked to sleep in the same room as her? It took me a minute to hold back the slight shock but then calmly explained that if they slept in the same room they would just stay up and talk and not sleep, and how they both needed rest for the tournament today. Jordie is 13 already and Blayd is only a few months away and it has only just really occurred to me that there might be something more than just a childhood friendship between them. Not that I mind that because Blayd is definitely old enough to be noticing girls but at the same time I think they totally need boundaries at their age and I tried to soften it a bit for Blayd by explaining that girls need their privacy and he seemed okay with it when I put it that way.
I have wanted to scrap all weekend but every time I sit down I think of something else that needs to be done, the never ending housework thing and so I get up and do that and then after lunch Doug watched the last race of the Clipsal 500 (go Jamie Whincup!!!!) and I did a mercy dash to the shops for some lunchbox stuff for the week. I've spent tonight just pottering around on the net really, hanging out at CyberScraps for the last night of our cybercrop and here, updating my blog. I've tidied my desk so I feel like I did get something scrap related done, even if it wasn't a layout. I can always focus on that tomorrow at the shop. Friday night crop this week which I absolultely love!!!! We're totally booked out and Cass and I will be scrapping out on the footpath at the rate we're going!!!! lol It's busy and it's loud and it's always fun. There are a couple of places at the next one on Friday 14th March if you want to come along. It's always best to book before the crop night before the one you want to go to because people tend to rebook as they are leaving so it means there are often no spots available for a month or more. In my best Bridget Jones voice here " So need a bigger shop. Not enough space is a total disaster!". We do have space but it's mostly take up by delicious product!!!! lol
Oh hey new Kaisercraft coming very soon, the pearls in all colours, the bling words, new shades of bling, packets of flowers, the new tabbed albums, new papers and more! Also restocking the PrintBlocks D ring binder albums this week (hopefully) in the very popular hot pink and light pink. We've got a bit mental and ordered heaps from CHA over in the States but what can you do when companies bring out so many fabulous products?!?!?! I totally agree - we really had no choice but to buy more beautiful things for the shop!!!
Well I'm going to go spend some time with my darling Dougie before we head off to bed to recharge for the week ahead. I don't know where blog surfing fits in anymore as I'm not at home on the computer very often but I am trying to get my own home typing business up and running so hopefully things will pick up there and I'll have time to do more on the computer, not just work! But I do want to say thanks to you for coming to read my little snippets of life even though I don't get around to many other people's blogs anymore.
Have a fantastic week and keep safe chickies!!! Love, Lu
I love your work lu! your just fantastic at what you do! i cant wait to book another scraptraining session
Hey beaudiiiful Lu !!
Love your amaaazing LO and is sooo adorable !!
wowww, looks like again, you've been busy and working...
as for the itch... nowadays, it's pretty difficult to know why unless you go for the full test (like my son did..he's allergic to peanuts and few other bits ....ect...ect... anyway, hope you'll find the reason, sure always help a bit !!
All the best !!
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