Monday, 9 February 2009

If you want to help... donating whatever you can afford to the bushfire victims I can only imagine how grateful those affected would be. I have seen firsthand someone I love lose everything but the clothes on their back in a fire and the devastation was incomprehensible but to see it happen on such a large scale, whole suburbs and towns...there don't seem words enough to convey the tragedy of it all.

If you would like to help, here's how:

To donate to the Red Cross State Government Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund: 

* Visit 
* Phone 1800 811 700 
* Any NAB, ANZ, Westpac or Commonwealth Bank branch 
* Any Bunnings store 
* By direct deposit to the Victorian Bushfire Relief Fund - BSB 082-001, Account number 860-046-797 

Myer Bushfire Appeal 
* All proceeds to the Salvation Army. Donate at any Victorian Myer store (if you live in Victoria).

The people of Victoria, the victims, families and emergency services staff are all in my prayers.

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Thanks for the details! How awful for those people:(

Hope you don't mind but I may borrow this and put it on my blog too. I figure the more people to see it the better!

Mmmmmmm Slider Love