Thursday 25 January 2007

A sleep-over for grown ups!

To celebrate Cass's birthday she has invited me over to watch Pulp Fiction, drink copious amounts of red, colour our hair and paint our toenails!!! Sounds like so much fun and I can't wait. I can't remember the last time I helped a girlfriend colour her hair. Most of us are working or being mummies so we either just go to the hairdresser cos we're pressed for time or scared of mucking it up, or we chuck a colour in that we picked up from the supermarket while doing the groceries or from the chemist while getting scripts and panadol. We're actually going to experiment a little. I coloured my hair this week to a nice red but what I really want is foils - pink, dark red and purple ones to be exact, and maybe a couple of blue ones!!! Now I'm not in the position to part with the dosh for a hairdresser job but I've always been pretty adventurous with my hair. There is only one taboo for me and that's going blonde. I have hazel eyes and dark, dark eyelashes and eyebrows and totally the wrong skin colour as well so I imagine it would look dreadful. But as far as cut and colour are concerned there aren't any boundaries. I've had it long half-way down my back but I've also shaved it all off for the Leukaemia Foundation. It's been everything from Wonder Woman blue-black to orange (don't was only a really short phase!) and everything in between and because I've been very lucky (or someone was providing divine intervention!) I have never had a disaster at home with colour, even when I have bleached down my hair for foils by myself. So there are pretty much no barriers and I'm not afraid to give anything a go. The only thing I truly hate is my natural colour (really dark brown and let's not mention the few greys I sometimes find and I'll even admit I pull out if I can see them!!!). So my hair is never left alone for very long. I'm also lucky it's thick and healthy and doesn't seem to mind a bit of punishment. It's funny but the more vivid my hair is, the more "me" I feel. I don't know if that makes sense but I guess it's a self esteem thing there. So tonight will be fun. It's only semi-permanent using the Fudge Paintbox stuff but I don't mind having to re-do. It will be a reason for another girly get together.

I finished my Aussie Dares layout finally!!!! Thanks to Rett for allowing me to use the idea - it panned out brilliantly for the topic I was working with! I've even finished a couple of CJs this week. I'm surprised I've gotten that much done. It's a lot for me anyway, I sometimes work 50 hours a week from home so I'm realistic about what I can achieve in the time that's left over after being a wifey and mumma.

I'll take along the digi tonight and get some photos of the hair adventure. I wonder if it would be more fun to scrap the "during" pics of that?????

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