Here's a photo of the victim in question, poor Mr James.......
Well Gran dropped the boys home today and was meant to take Jamie home with her because I work late on Wednesday afternoons but she brought him inside and he was white as a sheet!!! He started vomiting this afternoon when she went to pick him up from school and just spent the whole car ride home chuckin' in a bucket the teacher gave her. The poor little man looks like death. He doesn't seem too miserable in himself though because he spent five minutes informing me that he started to feel sick yesterday when I asked him to put his toys away, suggesting that maybe it was all that tidying up (all of three things!) that made him so very sick.
So he has assumed the position on the couch with the pillows and an iceblock (one of those Home Ice Cream Koolstix with no artificial colours or flavours). I don't know if it will stay down but I'm a big believer in whatever they will keep down is good for them so we'll see. I can't even give him Gastrolyte or Gatorade becuase all of them have artificial colours and the last thing he needs when he's not feeling well is for his brain to want to go hyper on him as well!
Now we will brace ourselves to see who will be the next to go down.....you know that awful waiting for hours and then days, watching for any tiny sign of unwellness in one of your kids that's going to throw your whole work/plans/scrapping right out the window? I know it sounds harsh but really, having anyone in the house is an inconvenience these days more than anything else. I feel so sorry for the little blighters when they are unwell and it's amazing how these bugs seem to strike at the most inappropriate times. My fingers are firmly crossed that I don't succumb as I don't have time to be sick!!! A full week of work this week and because I'm self-employed I can't actually afford to not work even if I'm sick and I have been known to crawl from the desk to the bathroom and back again to get stuff done even though I'd rather quietly die in a corner under a blanket. Yeah some say dedication, I say necessity and everyone who works for themselves will know exactly what I mean!!!!
Well I'm going to go throw something in the microwave to defrost for dinner and start cramming work in now - just in case!!!!
P.S. I can't tell you how glad I am that I spent 10 minutes scrubbing and disinfecting the loo today - now that someone has their face in it I'm REALLY glad it's "freaky clean" as the ad says!
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