Okay I came across the Top Ten thingy on Lisa's blog which in turn she'd seen on Ali Stafford's blog and I thought I'd share mine. My layouts are ones that I really love, they're not the ones the magazines have accepted though which ticks me at times, but I'll fall back on the "as long as I love them it doesn't matter if nobody else does" theory!

A Crappy Day In The Life - it's a little older in terms of style than what I've done lately but I love it because it's real, real, REAL as in hit you over the head with a rubber bat REAL! It's part of my protest against the "perfect life brigade", mostly because I have a far from perfect one - life that is! It lists what goes on from the hours of 5am until whenever I fall into bed and details the painfully accurate, boring, ugly, time consuming and frustrating parts of my day so I love it because it is REAL. I also love it because only my bestest buddy and partner in crime Cass would pass comment on the wine bottle behind me in the picture!!!
Peek-A-Boo I Love You - maybe I love this one because I spent so many frickin hours hacking and slashing with a craft knife like a woman possessed. I love it because the idea seemed like a huge task (which it was) but I was able to achieve it so that's why I love it - it was a challenge.
What Do You Need? - okay love this one because it was only recently that I had a big swing in style to newer things and it's just so different even for me but good different you know? Not crummy different I don't think but certainly not my usual style but one I'm really getting used to so I love it because it's a part of a new phase in my scrapping style and I'm glad it's so different. I love it because it was a surprise - even to me!
Precious Sleep - having a serious paper chopping moment here! Love it for my loverly hubby in the pic of course but other than that I can' t really think why else I love it! Does it still count????
My Favourite Elf - what's not to love here?!?!? My cutie boy Lachlann and some delish Basic Grey xmas papers plus some otherwise dodgy little circle stickers from the local $2 shop! I just loved how it all came together and it was really easy. One of those layouts I look at and think "gee I really like it no matter how often I look at it"
Pure Innocence - one of those layouts that I looked at once I'd finished and just said "wow". I was really happy with the end result even though none of the mags picked it up. I still love it, the colour, the technique I tried, the photo, just how it all came together. I also love it because I have a giggle every time I see it - she's not pure innocence, oh no, my girl is pure mischief behind that sweet little face!
Missing You Mikayla - love it because it's a pic of my beautiful niece Mikayla wearing the flower wreath on her head that I made for her. She died when she was only two and we all miss her like crazy every day so it's the subject more than the layout that makes me love this one.
Red Nose Day - love it because I have had an aversion to screaming bright colours and this time I decided to dive right in, retina searing Basic Grey Colour Me Happy! I also love the pic I took of my son James before he left for kindy where they celebrated RND with a clown dress up each year.
Amazing Girl - I love this one because it's a whole huge journalling block (which I never usually do) about how my daughter is so very physically affectionate while my sons haven't been and how I've learned to love that closeness.
Beautiful Soul - love this one because it's a few firsts for me, the hand doodling and really letting go and doing whatever comes to mind.
Hi gorgeous! How are ya? I saw that layout which got snapped up today from SM and it was BRILLIANT! I was on here early this morning but didn't comment- i'm so glad I got to see it mate! Congrats!!!! I love ALL the others in your top 10 too! Well all's well here! I'm tired as but teaching tonight will get me going I'm sure of it!
Much love to you guys as always!
Lus x
Totaly Awesome top 10 P/Lu!!!!!
Your LO's are breathtaking Lu!!! I see a few of them are from How Dare You challenges? Too cool!! I lOVE your style and it's no wonder your stuff is being picked up!!
What a stunning top 10...
Mardi x
Oooh i love your top 10.
I love how you use pattern paper!!! Awesome LOs!!!
Thanks for sharing your top 10 they are beautiful!
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