I went to a whole day Making Memories trade class today!!! It was so wonderful to sit, with no kids, no menfolk, no work, and just scrap. Well it wasn't exactly just scrapping whatever we wanted. We did the better part of an entire 32 page 9 x 9 album in about 7 hours! It was fast paced, high pressure scrapping! The pages were really simple and basic, that being the idea so we could then teach beginners to use the products and create well put together layouts with minimal effort. I'll confess it was absolutely not my kind of scrapping at all. Everything was done from an instruction book which contained a layout on each page plus measurements for all the paper and cardstock we'd use for each layout, plus basic instructions on how to put it all together. But when Cyberscraps opens the doors the ideas I got today will definitely make things easier when it comes to class ideas and workshops. We ended up getting all the product for the whole album (including chipboard, alpha stickers, metal alphas, paper flowers, crystal brads, rub-ons, paint and all the patterned papers) as well as a beautiful chocolate brown leather bound ring binder album for our layouts. It is just gorgeous! We all got a lunch pail (the tall rectangle tin) with lots of goodies inside and I won a lucky door prize of Making Memories products including Tiny Alphas, ColorBoard stickers, some paint, a pad of 6x6 embellishment papers, the jumbo paper flowers with crytal brads, a Boho Chic tin frame and photo corner set plus a way cool set of Summer Fun foam stamps that I haven't seen before. They are sooooo cute and I can't wait to do some of the beach layouts from this summer. We managed to get to the beach (thanks to Cass's sponteneity) so much more this year and got amazing pics of the kids. Honestly we worked so fast all day that by about 3pm my poor brain was on the verge of collapse!!!! It didn't help that I'm a bit picky about photos and stuff and we were mainly meant to work with 6x4 which I have almost none of, and we were told to bring one theme of photos but it turned out we needed pictures of ourselves and our interests as it was meant to be an All About Me album by the time we were done. So rather than use whatever I had to hand for pics I decided to leave most without photos so I could come back tonight and print out exactly what would go best with the papers and with the theme. We're going to use it as a display in the store so I want to be sure it looks great, not just average! The two American ladies from MM were absolutely lovely and Gail, who took the class today, was so OTT and fun!!! Would you believe they both wore matching lilac purple cardigans with the MM logo embroidered on them - is that cute or what????? (I'm not saying anything.............not a word!).
It looks like lightning outside, some more rain would be nice! Tomorrow is work for me until about 2pm and then Caeligh needs picked up from kinder and it's off to ballet. Last week she didn't last the whole class because she has the attention span of a budgie but she's still enthusiastic about going so that's what counts. I want to get some more Marah Johnson layouts done now that she and her DT have put examples of her stuff into our product showcase album in the Cyberscraps gallery but I really have too much typing at the moment so it's going to have to wait until Saturday methinks, and then because I'm working Sat morning and we have a meeting Saturday afternoon/evening at Cath's place to talk about the shop, DT stuff and all that jazz it may not be until Sunday even! That's okay - my mojo has been seriously compromised after today's efforts so it may take a few days to get back to normal. My nephew Scott is coming over for a sleepover Sat. night and all the boys want to go to the Rocklea markets on Sunday morning and get temporary tattoos. I can't say much because I ended up getting one of my own last week!!!! hee hee I got a heart with wings - the pic is above - to see if I would get used to it because I have wanted to get a tattoo for as long as I can remember, as well as get my nose pierced, but haven't done either as yet. I've had a few "out there" things done - my belly button twice (not that it's an out there thing anymore!) and I've had my tongue pierced - two studs at once, not had it done once and had to have that one re-pierced). It's not a new or fad thing for me and is just another part of me wanting to embrace and accept me for who I am inside. And me on the inside likes the occasional tatt and body piercing and bright red hair and green eyeshadow and lots of pink clothes!!!
I'm going to go get some work done now so I'm not up too late. I didn't fall into bed until 2.30 this morning (Doug and I curled up on the couch with a couple of glasses of red after the kids went to bed last night and we sat and watched music videos on Foxtel and laughed and kissed and made fun of each other's sad 80's fads and clothes - I love being in love with him - "he gets me" for those who are regular readers so I know you know what I mean). So I definitely want more sleep tonight so I can have an early start tomorrow.
Thank you so much for having a read. It's so cool that you took a few minutes out of your probably stupidly busy, hectic, crazy day to sit and find out about my stupidly busy, hectic, crazy day! I honestly am really flattered that people take the time to visit when there are so many cool blogs out there. I don't blogsurf nearly as much as I'd like so I totally appreciate the time you've taken to have a look at my blog when you could be doing a gazillion other things.
Have a wonderful weekend where ever in the world you are and thanks for stopping by.
Cya, Lu
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