These are my current layouts - Priceless on page 160 of this month's Scrapbooking Memories (vol 8 No.10), Miss You Mum on page 134 of the same Scrapbooking Memories (but put on the gallery idea file at the back so that we missed it three times before Cass and I eventually found it hiding in a corner - little grrrr), and the bottom layout is my Share layout in this month's For Keeps in their Easter gallery. I absolutely love the last one just because it was a cracker of a photograph of my daughter that I took myself - complete fluke I'm telling you!!!!! But the photo makes the layout that's for sure and I'll be doing a class on this layout at the shop after Easter if anyone locally is interested. I'll be changing a few products but it will basically be the same - I know the egg looks fiddly but really it was easy, just a bit time consuming to work out what I was going to do. So that's what's out of mine at the moment. Cass has two in this month's SM as well - Beach Angel which is on the intro page of the Arty gallery on page 69 and Go For Goal on page 90 in the Sporty gallery.
The idea is that we'll eventually have enough 12x12 frames to display pubbed stuff around the walls of the shop. I know I always thought it was cool (before I'd ever had anything pubbed and was just starting out as a scrapper) to walk into a shop and see the layout that I'd seen in a magazine in real life. Don't even know why but I always thought it was a leetle bit exciting to see the real layout.
Just thought I'd share - I only got my SM today and Cass got hers last Thursday. Do I have a slacker postie??? Who knows but it happens EVERY month so I always have to wait a few days more for my copy.
If you're interested in submitting layouts to the mags but haven't done so yet I keep an up to date (most of the time lol!!!!) listing in the Cyberscraps forum of SM, FK and SC current page calls so they're in all in one place for people to refer to. It also has the submission outlines for non-theme layouts etc. If being published has taught me nothing else it has taught me that you never EVER NEVER know what the mags are looking for so if you've never subbed then as Tony Ferguson says "You really must give it a goooooo!"
You CLEVER FUNKY ThANG you!!!!! Look at all your pubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pumped hun for ya - bet you were excited to see em all there :)I'm saying, "i know her, i know her!!!!!"
Lus x
Absolutely love your LO's, love your use of colours, very inspiring. Keep 'em coming girl and glad things are settling down for you!
Wow. These LO's are simply amazing. i will be back to see what else you are up to.
Your Priceless l/o is just priceless! Love it. What a great idea!
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