A rare not-so-quiet minute or two in the scattered mind of a scrapper, a mother, a wifey, a photographer wannabe, a typist, a shopper, a spender, a day-dreamer, a wisher, a lazybum, a stand up newbie, a karaoke wannabe, a flea marketer, a tea cup collector, proudly tattooed, prettily pierced and definitely a scatterbrain!
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Somebody find me an exorcist!!!!
We get them home and Caeligh, while probably tired by now, is undefeated and she sets about showing us exactly what happens when we piss her off at the shops. She makes up for it in spades at home! I was trying to get some typing done and Daddy was downstairs putting on washing so she decided to fill the mop bucket and mop the bathroom, nice except that there were still clothes on the floor and I always like to sweep or vacuum first cos you know how the floor has gross stuff like hair and dirt etc that only gets spread around if you mop first??? So I ended up having to clean the bathroom anyway as she mopped the toilet and the bathub as well.......She went on to break a kitchen chair, break a decorative candle she found ON TOP of the entertainment unit AGAIN, found another screwdriver and had a go at Daddy's computer monitor and as soon as I got her off the chair she found a second screwdriver and started gouging the timber coffee table (I have so given up on having a nice coffee table until she's moved out of home!), she climbed on the timber shifter arm for Daddy's racing wheel and tried to snap it off, she climbed on top of my bedroom wardrobe, fed the fish again with the whole jar of food (and I can't remember how many times I've told Lachie not to leave it within her reach!), she pulled down the curtains in her room, tried to pull down the curtains in the loungeroom, threw the Saturday paper ALL OVER the loungeroom floor, made three separate bowls of breakfast and proceeded to spill at least some of each on the floor and the table, spilled the sugar all over the table whilst getting said breakfast, went into the fridge and opened the vegetable crisper where she proceeded to snap in half every zucchini in the bag and break up the mushrooms which she then said she was actually trying to peel and to cap it all off she had a poo accident in her pants and tried to clean up herself. The end result was poo on the toilet, the floor, the bathroom sink as she tried to use three separate cleaning cloths, two clean towels and a roll of kitchen paper to clean up. It also ended up smeared on the floor and the vanity cupboard, the door and her almost entire lower half. I walked in and just wanted to cry......Doug stood in the doorway and laughed his ass off!!!!!!! I told him if he thought it was so funny he could clean it so he did! All these dramas happen in about little 30 second gaps when you think she doesn't have enough time to get up to such mischief. Normal kids you worry about after five minutes or so - not her, thirty seconds to disaster!!!!!! She's doing my head in but I love her so much - it's really hard!
So that was my Saturday! Went to the gym again this morning and now I'm going to sit down to an omlette for lunch courtesy again of the wonderful Dougie. The kids went to Grans for a sleepover last night - kind of forced them to go actually - and they'll be back soon so I'll read the paper in peace for a few minutes before they come home and we see what other disasters we will end up dealing with!
Love to ya girls!!!!
Friday, 27 April 2007
Slowly Conquering the Crosstrainer of Death!
Went in again last night and figured I'd try a different approach so I hit the Crosstrainer of Death as soon as I arrived. I figured I'm already tired by the time I get to it after doing the treadmill and bike first so I wanted to see how far I could go so I jumped on and did 15 MINUTE plus a 3 minute cool down. I was so impressed with myself cos I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do much more than 10 minutes.
I'll let you in on a secret though - the Crosstrainer of Death actually burns about 50% more calories than either the treadmill or the bike and I figure if I can get more results with less time then maybe the Crosstrainer of Death is going to become my favourite machine!!!!
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Fun Wednesday
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
I share only because I know it will make other mummas feel better about their kids!
My eldest had a crappola day at school and I'm sure his diet needs tweaking. Lots of little things are starting to have a cumulative effect on him so he's going to have to go right back to the basic elimination diet for a few weeks now to get his behaviour back on track. I love how suddenly when his butt is in a sling it's not "huh?" or "what?" or "sorry Mum I wasn't listening" but today it's "Yes Mummy I'll do it right now". Dontcha love how the crawler comes out when they just know they're in it up to their eyeballs!!!! lol It's also a little bit entertaining to watch the almost 12 year old macho I-don't-have-to-do-what-anybody-tells-me-to big man reduced to being allocated housework chores as punishment for bad behaviour at school - not the doing the chores but putting in the fine detail work like emptying the dishwasher and using the tea towel to try to "shine" the wine glasses and the pans etc!!! lol Far out I had no idea such attention to detail was really the product of lots and lots of attrition chores as children!!!!
Do You Need A Good Laugh?????
I don't know how Cass ends up in these types of things but trouble just seems to find her!!!! lol
Monday, 23 April 2007
NEW Fancy Pants Chic Alpha Stamp RAK!

Aussie Dares - Add a bit of sparkle
RAK winners for last week
If you guys can email me ASAP I will put your pretties in the mail for you!
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Rain, rain, don't go away!!!
Now everyone is getting changed out of wet clothes and into pjamas and the kids are happier than I have seen them in days. See? Craziness is sometimes good for your kids!!!!!!!
Tagged again!!!!
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. I love to sing (like you Sue!!!) and will sing loudly, proudly, anywhere and everywhere. I even get antsy if I don't know the words to popular songs and will look them up on the internet if I have to, just to be sure I'm singing the right words.
2. I have a thing about fruit and cream/milk not going together so no fruit and ice cream in the same dish and I don't like iceblocks like Splices with fruit on the outside and ice cream in the middle - pavlova is my only exception (oh and the thing at the end of Number 5!)
3. When I yawn my saliva glands squirt - yep I've even accidentally "spat" on someone sitting too close when I didn't put my hand over my mouth when I yawned!!! (yep I know - so gross)
4. I have always admired Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With The Wind and it turned out that my natural mother's family are a long line of O'Hara women descended from Ireland! (that so rocks!!!! - hi Mum, hi Sis!!!)
5. I eat in "phases" which means that for anywhere from a few days up to a few weeks I really badly crave certain foods - usually only one thing at a time - like really bad pregnancy cravings. I normally will eat that food at least once a day until my body must get sick of it and decides on something else. It's usually stuff like heavily salted Smiths Crisps (thin not crinkle), Woolworths brand Orange Delight biscuits, Ice Magic topping, Fillet-O-Fish burgers from Maccas, Neenish tarts or my current love which is the huge cherry danishes from the bakery a couple of doors down from Cyberscraps. They are huge and really generous with the custard and cherry so they're pretty bloody good - and I don't even like fruit and creamy things together!!!!
6. I have ADHD and have had it since I was a kid. I'm totally forgetful, disorganised, never on time, messy, always losing things and scatterbrained hence the blogger nickname. I'm awaiting an appointment with a psychiatrist who can prescribe medication for me as I am really struggling at the moment to keep it all together - I'm happy enough- just painfully disorganised so if I haven't done something I said I was going to, it isn't because I didn't want to - I probably wrote it down on my "mental to do list" and then lost that as well!!!
7.I loathe ironing to the point that the only thing I have ever used my iron for is my son's karate dogi (black belts can't have wrinkled gear - apparently.....lol) and some Heidi Swapp iron on transfer words. Lucky for me I don't own anything that needs ironing, my hubby wears jeans and tshirts to work because anything good would get ruined (he runs a high school chem lab) and my kids' uniforms are all wash and wear. I don't even buy Caeligh stuff that will require ironing each time. I bought a pair of 3/4 linen pants over the summer and I've only worn them once because I don't love them enough to iron them.
8. I was raised an only child but in fact I have two step sisters, one step brother, two half sisters and three half brothers. I don't have a family tree - I have a whole frickin jungle!!!!!!
9. Scottish accents have always been my weakness and I'm lucky enough to now spend every day listening to it from my darling Douglas.
10. I talk in my sleep and apparently you can have a whole conversation with me and I'll wake the next day with no memory of it (can you tell that I never got away with much as a teenager cos all my mum had to do was come in after I was asleep and ask me stuff and I'd tell her!)
That's quite enough weirdness for now I think! SO I tag Cass, Lisa, Kat, Louise, Alana, Lynn and Janet and I'm sure I'll get around to all of you to deliver the news ASAP!
Pic tag catch up

Layout share
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Layout with Fancy Pants Pollen Dust stamps
Don't know what to say about this really.... :(
So I got my prescription and went back to taking my pill continuously and that was weeks ago now but a couple of days ago I got what I thought was a period even though I was still taking the Pill non-stop every day. I cussed and swore and put it down to the extra weight causing problems and blamed the same thing when I spent yesterday in pain all day from horrible cramps that I hadn't had in years. I still blamed it last night as I spent all night waking up off and on from cramps so bad I couldn't sleep on my stomach (like I usually do) or even on my side. In the middle of the night I started to have those strange thoughts like "maybe I've got an ovarian cyst that's going to rupture" or something along those lines. I was still sore when I got up this morning and took some panadol and just got on with it because when you've got kids and housework and everything else that's just what you do isn't it?!?!? Apologies now if you're squeamish because it's turned out that I must have had a blighted ovum (which is an embryo that begins developing and for some reason, usual hormonal or chromosomal, it stops and is reabsorbed back into the placenta but the placenta continues to support itself and grow for up to twelve weeks until the body naturally miscarries it or you have a D&C done). I'm going to assume it was complete and I'm not rushing off to the doctor or anything because I feel fine now. More than anything I think I feel a little sad that my life was so busy, so stressed and involved that I had no idea. I didn't really have any symptoms and I kept doing the things I usually do like a glass of wine at night and I'll admit to more stress and worry than is healthy over the past couple of months but life is just like that sometimes. It's not like I'd like to be pregnant again either, but I certainly would have accepted it and found a way to cope somehow if I had known. It obviously was destined to happen that way anyway and I know I can't have stopped it or even caused it, it is just something that happened but I guess I feel sad for the little life that was there however briefly and I didn't even know. That's probably what's upsetting me right now more than anything. I'm going to take a wild guess and say it might have been a hormonal problem as I didn't even have morning sickness although I was tired but hell - I've got four kids, a husband and two jobs - mothers are always tired! Cass as always was wonderful when I phoned to tell her. She always knows just what to say to make me feel better and while this may not have been meant to be, it is certainly a wake up call that I need to be more proactive about the whole situation considering Doug and I aren't intentionally planning any more kids. He's walking about now like a man with something to fear - I've told him that I would rather not have to go through this kind of thing again so he's going to the doctor this week to organise a vasectomy. Off to the vet for him!!!!
So while I will admit to a little bit of guilt over being relieved that I'm not pregnant, I'm surprisingly shocked and sad at the loss nonetheless. Weird really isn't it - how we react to these things? I've only ever lost one pregnancy before and it was very early. This was a lot further along so I think that's why I feel a bit thrown for six about it. I'm doing my best not to beat myself up over the question of how long the baby existed for before things went pear shaped because often it's only a few weeks but it was a life nonetheless that isn't here now. Loss of life, however brief, should be acknowledged and mourned. It's what makes us real and what makes us human. I know that there will be a layout in this somewhere - maybe not now because it's a bit raw - but at some point there will be and that will be my acknowledgement and my mourning and my closure for something I never knew existed until it was gone.
Friday, 20 April 2007
Ooooh Aah Fancy Pants, I Said Ooh Aah Fancy Pants!!!!
We also got the boy and girl chipboard book kits and the new jars of flowers and the rub-ons. We've also got in a great range of Luxe Designs rub-ons, gorgeous and really well priced so if you are a rub-on fan be sure to check those out.
New Marah Johnson Intentions and Bliss are in as well along with the matching embellies and they're already up on line for your drooling pleasure.
I know it's a blatant advertising post this morning but a huge amount of our patterned papers (like almost all of them!) are permanently reduced by 20% and our BAZZILL IS ALWAYS 70 CENTS A SHEET!!!
We've really tried hard to make sure we have great prices so we can move more stock and thus concentrate on shiny new things - preferably as quickly as possible so you don't need to put your creativity on hold while you wait for things to ship to your local LSS from the wholesaler. We're doing our best to get stuff direct from the manufacturers themselves so it's in your hot little hands as fast as possible!!!
Thanks for listening to the spiel but I do love to share a bargain because the more you save on your scrapping supplies the further your buck goes and right now I know the importance of that!
I've got a new job on the horizon with a transcription company which will hopefully stop Doug sweating bulletts about the money issue but it's going to have to fit in around the shop hours at Cyberscraps now because that I do for love (and maybe some product!!! lol) but not money and the typing is a totally mercenary activity so we can afford to eat!
I'll let you know how the day progresses. We've got a crop at this shop this morning and if I can get five minutes without a customer I may even get a layout done!!!!
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Pic tag update
Busy busy busy day!
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Shining example of manhood!!!!!
Trust me when I say he has only ever baked once before in his entire life - cooking dinner is no sweat but the baking he usually leaves to me because I kinda know what I'm doing and I enjoy it - but only moments ago he was up to his elbows in flour and dough, busily kneading (after I showed him what that actually involved lol!!!!!) his scone mix. I even taught him the upturned drinking glass cutter technique as he was just going to pull lumps of dough out and slam them down on the metal plate (aka baking tray in girly terms!!! rotflmao!!!!!!).
So now we have a batch of lordy-only-knows-what-goodness in the oven and he assures me the temperature is right too and I'm not allowed to go to bed until they are done and out and I've tried one. It's a terribly pity that I absolutely detest scones - I don't know why, my mother swore by them and apparently made legendary scones - maybe it was scone overload for me as a child and it left me bakery scarred........fyi I even have Lady Flo's pumpkin scone recipe here somewhere that she wrote out for me when I was all of 8 years old (dad was into politics - don't even ask......) but I've never made them cos I HATE SCONES!!!!
All that being said, in about 15 minutes' time I will pace intrepidly back to the kitchen and get a big spoonful of strawberry jam to disguise the taste and I'll have a go at them because my beautiful Douglas stayed up until 10 o'clock at night trying out a scone recipe someone at work gave him!!! I guarantee it will only be his scientific mind motivating him as the recipe is this really weird concoction of three cups of SR flour, one cup of cream and one cup of lemonade - don't bloody well laugh (I made that mistake and hurt his feelings momentarily!) apparently it works and I'll promise to let you know - from the A&E ward if that's what happens!!!!!
All hail the mighty scone - and the daring domestic god of a husband who had to give it a go!!!!!
PS The shining jewel in the crown of his scone achievement was that he's even cleaning up after himself!!!!!!!
Monday, 16 April 2007
Marvy Marvy Monday!
As far as I know Cyberscraps is the only place in Oz to have these new lines so far so if you are a Marah fan or if you haven't seen her range before come on over to here to have a lookie. All the new stuff you can see in the pics is up online and ready to be sent to loving homes!!! lol (like mine..... :)
Well because Cass and I were so excited at all the new stuff that we carried on like a pair of screeching pork chops we've decided to share the lurve with ANOTHER RAK for this week. So as per usual chickies, if you visit my blog any day this week up til Sunday afternoon and leave a comment on this or any other post, or in my Cbox (we don't discriminate against comments here!~ lol) then I'll draw out a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW (BSN) RAK of brand spankin' new products chosen from the above new lines at Cyberscraps. If you'd like TWO chances to win a BSN RAK then head over to Cass's blog and leave a comment for her as she's also giving away a selection of the above v.spesh products!
So this week's a brand new and blingy RAK week with one and maybe two bling RAKs and a BSN RAK. Look forward to hearing from ya girls and have a cracker of a week (hooray for school!!!!!) lol
Cya, Lu
Sunday, 15 April 2007
CHIPBOARD RAK winner and a blingy back to school week RAK!
You'll have to take my word for this as my camera battery went flat as I was about to take the pic of the little bit of paper (busy day with the camera at a bday party!) so the winner of last week's chipboard RAK is Miss Muffet (aka Megan). Megan I know where to find you but if you read this first drop me an email or a PM at CS and let me know your postal address. I'll be packaging up your chippie board delights as soon as I know where to send them to!
New business on the agenda is this week's RAK. Now back to school in my house is a cause for celebration - not for the kids, just for me and Dougie!!!!! lol - so in keeping with celebratory vibes I'm having a bling RAK this week of gems, crystal brads and lots of glittery goodness. If you'd like to be in the running for the shiny fun stuff just drop in and leave me a comment on this or, like always, anything else during the next week that takes your interest and you can always use the Cbox as well for a quick hi on the fly!
I'm off to get dinner sorted out (i.e. make sure it's not burning to a cremated husk in the oven) and after that it might be time to get a layout done. TV is kinda calling me on a Sunday night lately though with Rove back (didn't really watch him before but it's sandwiched in between The Biggest Loser (where for a few moments I can admire my own state of chubbiness and go "well I'm not there yet" and in the next breath mutter "Bugger! Really really must get to that gym this week!!!!!") and the so ridiculous it's got me interested Pussycat Dolls reality TV show. I can't even tell you why I watch that - it's kind of like the train wreck theory - it's too ghastly to look at but I can't take my eyes away from it!!!!! lol
I hope y'all had a good weekend, productive or at least relaxing - sometimes it can even be both! - I did the sleeping in thing on Saturday, the shops thing Sat afternoon out at Springfield (nice new shopping centre too Jilly - we should catch up for coffee at Toscani's!), had a sleep over at Cass's place last night with James and Caeligh while Daddy went to a LAN with his mates and I did get that hair colour done (thanks to the talented and fearless hands of my darling Cass) but I'll have to wait until the camera battery recharges before I can take any photos but I'll warn you that it's FIVE DIFFERENT COLOURS ALL OVER!!!! I absolutely love it and boring it is not!
I'll talk to you later chickies!!!!! Love, Lu
Pic tag catch up

Friday, 13 April 2007
Pic Tag #2 - something special in my family
Okay this is going to sound reeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly soppy but the most special thing in my family is my Dougie!!! I knew as soon as I met him that he was a special man - gentle, strong, kind, patient, loyal and passionate. He not only loved me but my two sons, who were not his, and continues to be their main father role to this day, some nine years on. We now have two babies together as well and I've watched him grow as a father, as a man and as my best friend on this earth. I call him my planet alignment specialist in my blog profile because the moment I first laid eyes on him it was as if the planets really did align and something within me became whole for the first time in my entire life. It was as if I had known him forever. He is special because he fathers our children, he takes care of our house
(far out I wish blogger would just put things where they're meant to go!!!! grrrrrrr!!!!)
HUUUUUUUUUUGE shout out to my girl Lusi!!! Plus a nice new arrival at Cyberscraps
Spent the day at the shop today, rearranging stock, changing the layouts in the window and unpacking - my favourite part!!! lol Today we got in - direct from the States - the very shiny and new and gorgeous My Mind's Eye Tres Jolie collection of papers, die cut titles, journalling blocks, frames and transparencies, HUGE die cut alphas and the very delicious chipboard alphas and "Bliss" shapes. We also got some new Magistical Memories (thanks for the inspiration Jilly!) chipboard shapes in as well in funky things like musical notes, cute little birdies, locks and keys and a can't-wait-to-make heart shaped mini album. If you want to see the pictures then have a quick click here and see for yourself. Very beautiful stuff and I'm pretty sure Cyberscraps is one of the only stores in the country to have the Tres Jolie collection as yet as we got it straight from the States because we're impatient little scrappers here!!!!! There's plenty of stock (thanks to bosslady Cath who doesn't like us to run out) in the store and in the online shop so hop over to the link and have a squiz or stop by the store if you are the touchy-feely kind. The Tres Jolie papers all have a really nice parchment texture which means they take ink beautifully and the papers are all double sided so the plains are just as nice as the printed side.
Tonight I'm going to TRY (try being the operative word here....) to finish a layout I started today with the new MME Tres Jolie stuff. I started it at the shop and became quite the cranky camper when I realised I didn't have the pen I needed or the rub-ons I wanted to use either. And now I've gotten home from the shop I've bloody well forgotten to go to the newsagent and get the pen I need.......bugger, bugger, bugger!!!!! The rub-ons are easy, I've got those in my stash but the pen is something I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED and nothing else will do. I don't even know which pen I need, I just know it has to be brown and reasonably fine-tipped and I'll basically take whatever brand I can find at this point because it was one of those layouts where I got the butterflies while putting it together. Come on now, don't laught at me!!! You know that feeling you get when you think "oh I'm onto something here!!!!" and now I want nothing more than to get the stupid pen so I can find out what the layout will look like when it's finished. No I don't actually know what it will look like, I'll have to wait and see what else the layout tells me to do. Yep back in weirdo "talkin to the layout" territory again girls, as I always am! I started out wanting to use one colour of paper and the photo I wanted to use said "no", I even gave the photo the option of two different shades of that colour and it still said "no" so I had to abandon the idea I had in my head and keep putting the photo onto different patterns and colours until the layout screamed "yes, yes, YES" like the scene out of When Harry Met Sally. Well it is exciting when the layout talks to me! So then because it was a pattern and a different colour I had to abandon the big die cut alphas I wanted to use and go with some chipboard instead. It's hard to be a slave to the paper but what can you do? So I'll be sure to share once I get it finished. I dont' like to leave the layout to wait too long because I end up with the best results while that initial excitement is still there so I'll be sure to get to it tomorrow.
Contemplating doing something drastic with my hair again, red with purple and blue foils (which I wanted last time but didn't end up with) and I'm even stocked up with products and prepared to do it myself. But tonight I think I'll have a couple of glasses of wine, some nice hot Thai green curry and the last of my Easter chocolate because quite frankly my bum is getting waaaaaay to big and I need to say "no more!" and remove all the chocolate from the house - and of course the best way (and most practical way so as not to waste any of course!) is to eat the rest! lol I wonder if the wine isn't exactly helping my ever-widening bum problem either......hmmmmmm...no surely not, good for the heart they say so we'll ignore that part of the kilojoule equation and focus on the chocolate instead.......oh but the Thai is really bad too isn't it?.....I must stop asking myself about these things..........I'll just do a Scarlett O'Hara and remember that tomorrow is another day!
Blogga blogga later chickies!!!!! Love, Lu
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Pic Tag Day 1 - A Piece Of Me
Cass and Lu's Swaperoo!!!
Layouts for today
Urgh awful layout
I did my Africa inspired layout a couple of days ago which was clean and uncluttered for me and now I've done one of that photo of James and Lily sharing a kiss but I've completely buggered it up. It's more like Cass's style with lots of flowers, beads and bling but I can't do her style so even though I didn't start out wanting it to look like her style, it does and does a pretty poor job of it at that!!!! lol Oh well I'll just find another photo and try something else methinks.
I've got the luxury today of Doug doing most of the housework so I don't have to do anything else but scrap which is nice. I should however probably be looking for another job but between me and you chickies - I don't want to find another job!!! I feel a bit bad really, I'm enjoying my three days in the scrap shop and having more time to spend with Caeligh as she's the only one not at school now but the loss of an entire income each week is putting far more of a strain on Doug than it is on me. I'm having a great time actually!!! But because I know he'll worry I'll have to find even a few odd lots of typing to do here and there so there's at least some more coming in each week. We can manage on what we have if we're very careful but having to live very carefully every single day is hard and I know some of you know just how that feels. So in the interests of our bank account which currently looks pretty shabby, and in the interests of Dougie's mental health, I'll pull out the Saturday papers this weekend and see what I can find. I know that if I wait longer then I'll probably have to settle for picking up temp work or work away from home and in an office somewhere and I'd rather not if I can help it because I've got everything set up to work from here.
Well I'm going to wander over to Cass's now and scan the Africa layout and the buggered one. I'll upload them for your viewing pleasure when I get back! I'm also secretly going because the two little ones are driving Daddy crackers today and all he wants to do is sit down and watch some sci-fi which he can't do if they're here. I figure he's supposed to be on holidays and as he's done more housework than me this week, the least he should get to do is relax for a few hours and have some peace and quiet!! Cass's house is, like mine, always a circus anyway so a couple more kids as her place won't matter but a couple less here makes a world of difference!
Have a cool Thurs girls, whatever you're up to and I'll blogga blogga later, love Lu
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
A quick favour
Thanks for your help. I'm lucky to have such a wonderful group of cyber-buddies I can call on if I need to.
Vice versa, ladeez, if there's ever anything I can do, you know "all you gotta do is call - cos you got a friend" as the song goes!
Thanks again, Lu
Pic Tagged!!!
Each day you need to take a photo/photos following this criteria………
I've never been tagged before so I'm really excited and the best part is that after I'm done I get to tag someone else!!!!
I'll let you know how I'm going and post my pics as I go!
Ooohhhh a layout just for a pub call!!!
I'm off to the shop today. I've got an advanced Easter class this afternoon based on the For Keeps Easter layout in this month's issue but I'm pretty sure I'll have spare time as the class timetable only went up at the end of last week and people haven't really had a chance to see what's available and book in yet. The class timetable is online too at Cyberscraps if anyone is interested.
We've just done some quick renovations to the shop to give us a bit more room (which given the way we get so much new stuff in all the time is always necessary!!!!) so there's more room at the back of the shop for classes and another whole slatwall for product.
We've also got a cute new little display called "The Sweet Shop" which is lots and lots of glass jars full of delicious little embellies like brads, eyelets, gems, fem flowers, etc, perfect for when you want to indulge just a little bit!!!
These level 5 water restrictions we've got in Brisbane as of now are going to be a horrible wake up call for some people. I've been trying to cut back for ages and considering I can kill almost any living plant with virtually no effort on my part I gave up on trying to have a garden years ago! So we don't use any water outside the house at all except for filling the dogs' water bowls. I don't even know where our hose is! As for inside, showers are now run with military type precision, with a quick two minute in/out for the boys (I figure they are so reluctant to clean themselves that it doesn't really matter if they spend 2 minutes or 20 minutes in there - they are good at avoiding the washing part anyway) and we make sure we don't run the dishwasher or washing machine unless they are full. The usual things like turning off taps we've always sort of done and the icky part which actually saves heaps of water is the cute (kind of) little ditty of "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down". I know that sounds so gross but honestly when I'm at home alone during the day why do I need to flush the toilet every time I have a wee???? That's just unnecessary so we've been doing that for a while now too. I'd like to think that we're going to be under the 140 litre per day per person limit for the six of us and hopefully a good deal less but it would be interesting to see just how much we do use. Here's hoping God provides some rain soon, not that I think it should change the kind of water restrictions we have because we're still living in one of the driest countries on earth, but it would be nice to have a bit more of a backstop by having a bit more in the dams. It makes me steam when I see people still watering their gardens and makes me want to yell "You could be drinking that water!!!!". It's funny how people are so grossed out by the concept of recycled water and yet so many (probably the very same) people want to be able to still use as much water as they want for whatever they want. I don't care about recycled water at all - if it comes down to that or being thirsty well I'll take the recycled water!
I'm off to have a lightning quick shower and get dressed for work but I'll be back in later to let you know of the antics of the day. Caeligh is going to kindy (huge sigh of relief!!!!!) and Doug is at home with the boys and maybe Cass's older two as well if they've got nothing else to do. Xbox all round methinks!
Have a fab Wednesday chickies!!!! Love, Lu
Monday, 9 April 2007
RAK winners for this week and a CHIPBOARD RAK for next week!!!
NOW down to serious business girls! The winners of my RAK for last week are........
So Simmibear, Annette L and Kayla if you could all drop me an email and let me know your postal addresses I can put your packs in the mail this week and you'll have your goodies in your hot little hands before you know it. Also, if you have any colour likes/ dislikes and fav embelly types then please include that so I can try to make sure you don't end up with something you won't use.
Thanks to Her Royal Highness for being barrel girl for me this afternoon!
I like the whole theory of give if you can so I'll be running another RAK this week and we'll just work it the same as last week - stop in any day this week and leave a comment on either this post or anything else during the week that takes your fancy and on Sunday next weekend I'll draw another winner. Methinks this week we'll have a chipboard RAK because well who doesn't love chipboard?!?!?!?! So be sure to stop in again this week if you'd like to be in it and feel free to pass it on to anyone else you think would like to have a nice pack of chipboard turn up in their mailbox.
In other news today - my daughter is a complete little monster!!!!!!!! She has spent the whole weekend racking up a rap sheet of misdemeanors a mile long. This weekend it has been a whole tube of fuschia acrylic paint on my timber bedroom floor, stabbed her brother with a colouring pencil, overturned a basket of clean laundry, smashed a pile of her Easter eggs into a BILLION crumbs all over the loungeroom floor, threw books at people, fired staples around the room with my stapler, pulled the sheets of my newly made bed, hurt herself by doing silly things more times than I can count, used the remote control to hammer the TV screen, sat in the bathroom under the guise of having a wee and used EVERYONE'S TOOTHBRUSHES, spat on one of her brothers when he wouldn't move for her, slammed the front door and trapped one of our cats between the timber door and the screen door (lucky she's a skinny cat and there's a good 3 inch gap between the two doors!), turned off Daddy's computer in the middle of burning discs when he wouldn't change the TV channel for her, used her doll pram as a battering ram against siblings, helped herself to breakfast by upending a whole box of cornflakes over her bowl and to cap it off she has decided that the best way to show she is upset if she gets in trouble or gets told off is to immediately pee her pants - regardless of where she is or what she's wearing. Patience wearing very thin this weekend and I haven't asked God for as much help as I should have although I have used His name a few times when dealing with her!!!!!!!!
Oh what would a weekend be without a roundup of Caeligh's achievements? The big boys will be back from their dad's place tonight. They went over yesterday at lunchtime to see his family and he brought his new girlfriend over when he picked up the kids. I'm going to give myself a little pat on the back for being able to look at the two of them and hope that things work out for them both. She seems nice enough, three girls of her own, her youngest the same age as Caeligh. Apparently they are taking things slowly, not surprising as my ex hasn't been in a serious relationship since we split up nine years ago. The boys were talking about her last week and I hadn't realised that she was anything more than a friend until they mentioned an embarrassing kissing incident (embarrassing for all the kids to watch apparently!). So I sat them both down and said that things with their dad shouldn't change because he has a girlfriend and that as long as she's nice to them and treats them kindly then that's all they'll ever hear about it from me. I'm actually glad, she's a mother herself so hopefully she will help him with some of his parenting style that I'm not so hot about. And having so many more girls in my sons' lives can only be a good lesson on how to treat them!
I'll go now cos I've bored the jammie pants off you all for a little while now but don't forget this week's RAK if you are a chipboard fan and spread the word if you know someone who could do with a nice surprise or a cheer up.
Have a fab week chickies and those of you with kids - please don't go crazy if you can help it!!!
Love, Lu
Friday, 6 April 2007
Why do we do it to ourselves?????
Now how cute are these two???? Anyway this was probably the highlight of the whole photography safari as after that, as the Japanese gardens incident will attest to, things went a bit pear shaped, children got cranky/hungry/tired/annoyed and parents got more than a bit snappy/grumpy/frazzled. We hung about until about 1 o'clock, stopped to have a drink and a snacky on the lawns near the fruit trees and the boys (including my Dougie) ran about on the lawn attacking each other with plastic lightsabres.
Now I've got a house full of kids (four of mine, two of Cass's and Dougie, who definitely is able to qualify for the title of kid) perched on my couches playing PS3 that Dougie hired from the video shop for the weekend. I'm off to make the masses dinner soon and then will retreat to my bedroom to (hopefully) scrap while the boys cover the loungeroom floor with mattresses and sleeping bags and pillows. I've basically accepted that I don't have a loungeroom for the next day or so and that's cool as long as it keeps them entertained and happy and there's no bloodshed.
So that's my Friday so far chickies and I hope you're all chillin and having fun if that's what your aim was. Before I go I'll share a photo Caeligh asked me to take yesterday. I don't actually have many pictures of the two of us so even though it's not perfect (I'm in all my no-makeup hair not done glory!) I'm glad we've got it all the same.
Talk to you later babes!
Thursday, 5 April 2007
The bunny's a'comin' and a new idea
I've had an idea for a blog and I'm going to put feelers out to anyone who has any ideas/ feedback/ comments that they can add. Basically after the Marah Johnson chat which turned into an accidental pr nightmare for me by stepping on toes I realised that there aren't actually many centralised places for Aussie scrappers to find out about stuff like that. I know it might sound harsh but scrapbooking shops and online stores seem to be so determined to "protect their turf" that unless a customer blog surfs or does lots of trawling around the various sites they miss out on lots of info about other events that they would maybe like to be a part of or be involved - if only they had known. Now it stands to reason that no shop in their right mind is going to advertise an event/crop/online chat/charity gig that is held by another store (as I found out the hard way) even if it is a great opportunity or a good cause for scrappers in general to be involved in and I think that's a bloody shame. There are lots of scrappers who still consider themselves to be store loyal but who would also probably like to still be informed of what else is going on around the traps. It is getting harder and harders as well with even magazine based forums coming down hard on advertising of any kind, requiring users to have to pm people to get any details at all about events. I'm sorry but I'm getting a bit jack of everyone being so possessive of their customers. It feels like - and this is totally my personal opinion here as a scrapper and an individual - stores do their best to turn their forums/messageboards etc into closed communities where you are welcome to come and go but you cannot speak about the outside world while you are there. It isn't anyone in particular because it's happening everywhere. SOOOO my idea is to creat a new blog where shops/clubs/individuals can post details of events. I know sales are a big crowd puller for many stores so I may have a section of the blog to cater for sales by shops and online stores but I'm not talking about the weekly specials because anybody with the internet can find that stuff out themselves and if most people want to be notified each week of sales etc they happily sign up to receive a newsletter in their inbox. I'm going to be focusing on BIG sales, the once a year, the end of season stuff, that sort of thing. I want to be sure it's sales that make people feel it was worth their time and effort to go and have a look and it has to be a genuine sale without any catches, etc.
I will be the first to admit that I have no idea how I'll go about doing it all but I can't wait to get started. I'm hoping there are other scrappers out there who can see the value of an independent site where you can go to find info on upcoming events, esp. web based things that anybody with a computer and the internet can be a part of. I don't see why scrappers should miss out on info because they are loyal to a store. Most of us arent' so fickle that one visit to a competitor's website will have us leaving our LSS in droves (unless there was a serious dissatisfaction with the LSS anyway!) so I say let's really reach out to the scrapping community as a whole and share something good with everyone!
Let me know your thoughts if you have any and we'll see how fast we can get this thing up and running!!!
Cya, Lu
AMENDMENT: As Chrissy has pointed out, Aussiepubcalls has something similar going and not to diss in any way as they have hit the ground running and are doing an amazing job, but I was thinking of focusing more on the "resource" side of things if that makes sense? I wasn't thinking of competitions or mag pub calls or anything like that, and I hope someone gets what I'm trying not very well to explain!!!!
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
What a cool surprise!!!
Cass and I were both doing the happy dance when they asked her a couple of months ago as it seems like a huge step for us who are relative unknowns in the scrapping world. My story is going to be in Volume 9 No.1 which comes out at the start of July and Cass's is in Vol 8 No 11 so she'll be in June's issue and I'll be in July!!!! That is the coolest thing and I'm gonna get up from my chair in a second and do my own happy dance!!!
Apparently I need to choose an accompanying layout for the article and the fab thing is that I can choose any layout I like which means that I can have something published that I really love as an example of my own work but which would normally not be accepted by the mags as it's a bit "out there" or a bit too freestyle. So I'll have to get out all the albums today and see what I want to send off to them. There are a couple of real faves I have at the moment but SM have them already and they are awaiting allocation to an issue so can't use those ones again but I'm sure I'll find something!!!!
In other news girls we had an amazing chat with Marah Johnson last night in the Cyberscraps chatroom, as well as Tammy, Allison and Cheryl who are her completely inspiring design team. They were so open, honest and genuine and really shared with us like they'd known us for years. It was an absolute pleasure to chat to her and hear about her upcoming ranges and the new USA Summer CHA releases she's got coming out. Not too many clues to ruin the surprise but enough to know it will be something of a must have if you love Marah's work! It will also be her incredibly original and cutting edge style which is what I love about her work now - it's stuff I had never seen before. We had quite a few visitors and a big thanks goes to Akuti from the SM forum who put a notification up for us for those girls who wanted to drop by. Akuti it was great to chat with you "in real life" if you know what I mean!
Not heading off to the shop today. I've got a batch of typing to do for a cardiologist and let's face it - I kinda do need the money now so I'm staying at home like a good girl to get it all done.
The kids are really stoked about only two days left of school. James is thrilled to bits to be almost upon his very first school holiday (big grade one this year) and honestly I don't know what he thinks will be happening!!!! Doug is having next week off and while we do try to get out and about with the kids a bit more sometimes it's just nice to stay around the house and not have to go anywhere if we don't feel like it! I know that to celebrate the first day of school holidays on Good Friday - in a not very particularly religious way - Doug is hiring a PS3 from the video shop for the weekend and we'll have our four kids plus my two nephews (Cass's two eldest boys) over as well for a sleepover and game-a-thon.
Cass and I were also saying how we really need to get out some time over the break and do a "proper" photo shoot with all the kids as nothing inspires us two like some new pics! I don't think the video shop opens until midday on Good Friday so we were tossing up taking them all to the Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens which also has it's own beautiful Japanese Gardens as well as the planetarium. We do tend to get a bit over the top about photo shoots so we'll both have our cameras and we're planning on dressing all the kids in white t-shirts and denim with bare feet and going a bit beserk. Oh that reminds me to recharge the battery on my beloved Panasonic Lumix. And empty all the memory cards!!! Unfortunatley I tend to run out of battery juice before I fill up my memory cards. I even have a special hard plastic case with a rubber lining to store my SD cards in because I often need more than one. I think altogether I've got almost two thousand photos worth of SD card space!!!! That seems a bit ridiculous when I say it like that!!!! lol Let's just say it's a lot of photos but I've discovered that about photographing kids. It's far better to just keep shooting and get as much as you can and then weed through later and find the best ones - like panning for gold really! lol I even wanted to go a bit further and get Caeligh and Lily little satin Chinese cheongsams (sorry if I'm completely getting that wrong - the little satin slip dresses with the high collar and the cap sleeves?) and putting their hair up in loose buns with chopsticks and have them running around in bare feet in the Japanese Gardens and getting lots of pics of them together. They're such a cute pair - Caeligh with dark hair and dark eyes and Lily who is all blonde and blue eyed. Yes, trust me, Cassandra and I are VERY WORRIED about the teenage years as they are thick as thieves and look so cute together!!!! We have visions of pimply teenage boys looking at our girls and asking each other if they prefer blonde or brunette!!!!! I'm sure they'll be fine once the boys realise that Lily is far too high maintenance and Caeligh is too much of a tomboy with a vicious temper!
I really should get this typing done if I want to have any free time at all on Friday for photo shoots so I'll get back to it but I wanted to share about SM. If you are a scrapper who hasn't been published it's a good opportunity to get your story in print as well as a layout. The Real People, Real Stories feature is an open call and you just type approximately 200 words about why you scrap and how you got into it and attach a scanned layout so they can see an example of your work. The email address for Real Life, Real Stories is kevans@expresspublications.com.au if you're interested.
Thanks for stopping by and I'll be back later!
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Apologies are in order
I got more than a bit carried away in thinking that others might want to know about the chat if they weren't Cyberscraps customers or readers of my blog who would see the info anyway. I hadn't even considered it from a business point of view that it woud look like advertising on someone else's turf and that was careless and unthinking of me.
I have already emailed admin people involved from the other sites and offered my apologies but to anyone who did see my thread and was offended or upset I am genuinely sorry. It wasn't the intention to advertise the store itself - it was more the intention of sharing some info about speaking with a lovely and talented designer and I jumped in before weighing up the best way to do that.
I just didn't think it through first and thus I've committed yet another faux pas and mightily ticked off quite a number of people whom I'm sure have trouble believing someone could be so unthinking. I wonder myself some days....... :(