Sunday 3 February 2008

Layout share and a reflection on baby ranting

Oh well what can I say???? It's been a day of drama to follow the drama of the night before! lol
I got a phone call from my dad this morning, asking me to come over with Doug and be a presence while he had an unwanted house guest removed by police. I'm not even going to get into the whole story but it was something along the lines of a certain individual thought the old man had money because he owns his house so she thought she'd make nice with him, promise to look after him and keep the house clean in exchance for staying in the house and then once she moved in she treated him abominably, stole from him, borrowed copious amounts of money that he didn't really have to giver her and took over his house with her kids, friends, strangers, drop ins at all hours of the day and night and basically this morning my poor old dad decided to grow some balls and told her to leave. When she wouldn't go he called the cops to have her removed. The sad bottom line is that he let her do it all because he's lonely. My adoptive monther died fifteen years ago and he's just never been the same since.......So Doug and I spent all day at his house, helping him with his police statement, supervising while the "guests" got some of their crap and left and waited with him because they wanted to come back for their car as none of them has a drivers' license so they had to find a friend to do that (yep I wondered why they had a car when none of them had a license too - apparently dear old Dad was good for chauffering duties as well.....) and we eventually got to go home but I have to go back and pick Dad up in the morning, take him to a doctors' appointment and then take him to the local courthouse to get a protective order against the no longer wanted house guest so she doesn't try to phone or harass the crap out of him until he lets her in the house again. The sad part is he still says he feels sorry for her because now she's homeless!!!! ARGHH!!!!!! So apparently (because the police officer thought Dad was possibly a bit soft in the head for still feeling sorry for the stupid cow) I can make the protective order on his behalf if he won't do it and I have to wonder about the soft in the head part myself......*sigh* Long story short he got done over by a gold digger but there wasn't really much gold except his house and she figured if she stayed long enough she'd legally be entitled to half of it. So that was today's drama!
The layouts are just some I did in the shop on Friday. The "Princess" one I really liked because the Rusty Pickle paper is gorgeous, the Dynamic Duo one was just for fun because Krys Yealland (who used to be the technical ed. at Scrapbooking Memories) called us that every time she spoke to one of us after we helped her out at really short notice with something she needed, and the last one is one I've been meaning to do for ages. We have a hibiscus near the front patio and every six months it gets overrun with teeny tiny green grasshoppers that Caeligh finds fascinating. She doesn't even mind touching them - yuk!!! She couldn't get her mouth around the proper name so she called them "glass popas" instead of grasshoppers. The round black plastic frame thingy on the grasshopper layout turned out to be the insert for the printer tray of Doug's printer - I found it in a drawer and thought it would make a cool frame....ooops!!!! And yep, I used Pritt so it ain't EVER coming off!!!! lol Lucky for me Doug is an understanding man!
It will be another jam packed week this week with dealing with Dad tomorrow, a meet and greet on Tuesday afternoon/evening (it ends up being back to back with three kids in three different grades) for the boys' teachers, some online stuff to do Wednesday night, Blayd has karate on Thursday night and I'm sure there was something else I had to do Thursday but my mind has become a vacuum, and Friday I'm in the shop - ALLELUJAH!!!!! I think there are a few ScrapTraining bookings this week but I can't for pity's sake remember when they are. If you are one of them I promise I'm going to check the diary very carefully in morning!!!! Having another "please, Miss, my brain is full" moments again.
Upon reflection from yesterday's little out of mind experience, I think I'm just going to cruise along like I am, try not to think too hard about the whole baby thing, and see what life hands me. I think I'm too tired right now to go out looking for life's big opportunities. Oh crap I forgot to ring my mum and see how she's feeling today cos she went home from hospital yesterday. MUM I'M REALLY SORRY I FORGOT TO RING - THE WHOLE DAD THING AND ALL - I WILL DEFINITELY GIVE YOU A CALL TOMORROW!!!! So between my birth mother's cruddy health, my adoptive Dad's serious "houseguest from hell" issues and my screeching ovaries I think I have to hit the cruise control button for a while and just try to give the whole thing a mental miss for a few weeks at least. I just want to survive through all the bullshit flying around me right now. I feel like I'm trying to cut a new path through virgin jungle here and I don't have a frickin machete!!!! Some days professional therapy sounds like a really good way to work out all the stuff that happens, even if they can't fix it, offer any advice or whatever, just to be able to thrash it out with someone who isn't involved and hopefully make me feel like I'm dealing the best way I can and that I'm still okay in here!!!!! Will definitely give that some thought....
Thanks so much to those of you who commented and to those who took the time to email me privately and share their stories. I have had such lovely words and such openness from people on the other side of the planet and I'm once again amazed by the serious coolness of this internet thingy and the scrapbooking thingy that brought us all here, me to type, you to read.
I'm pretty sure the week is only going to get more interesting so I will definitely keep you posted. Would you be at all surprised to hear that my heart palpitations have started up again this week?!?? No, me either. Now I know that it's a stress thing so I'm trying to just be cool about everything and get through.
Have a fab week no matter what it holds for you - hey, if it's anywhere as interesting and colourful as mine at least you won't get five minutes to feel sorry for yourself!!! lol Just go get another cup of coffee and B R E A T H E!!!!
Love you guys for reading and sticking with me, Lu
ps sorry for the lack of paragraphs, I've tried editing this bloody thing four times and it still doesn't want to do paragraphs for you!!!! I officially GIVE UP!!!!

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