Tuesday 30 January 2007

Screaming for more bandwith here.....

So I have tried to set up blogger so that I can post from my email without having to open my blog via the web. I'm scrimping for bandwidth at the moment and I'm going to be cut back to dial up speed any moment and I still have to work today and tomorrow before the month starts over! Doug assures me we are going to switch providers to get heaps more useage. He said we can get 10gig during peak time (like when I'm working during the day) and then 20 gig off peak (which is 9pm to 9am) and I said that sounds good but make sure we're not paying much more than we are now. Then he says No wait! We could get 20 gig peak time and 40 gig off peak for only $10 a month more!!! I'm sure we've entered into one of those male realms where an item equates to penis size!!!! We don't need that much bandwidth and to be honest I'm frightened of becoming an internet widow if he has that much allowable download!! He'd be on there downloading junk all the time!

So let's see if this works or not. Here we go...

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